Wednesday, February 21, 2018

3rd – 12th dimension

The 3rd Dimension is sound. In the 3rd beings understand how to tune sounds to cosmic resonance. They learn the hypnotic currents of emotions, thoughts and environmental pulls. The focus is to study emotional, mental and environmental vibrations and learn how to shift electromagnetics for environmental harmony.
The 4th dimension is frequency. In the 4th beings understand how to calibrate frequency to shift the overall planetary sound (matrix) which encompasses possible and impossible doctrines for the planet. The frequency sets the direction of the body and planet evolution.
The 5th dimension is reality. In the 5th beings understand how to create the emotion, thought, environment from a state of awareness. Beings learn the external as a reflection of the magnetics or psyche/subconscious projection and focus on refining its broadcast.
The 6th dimension is transverse. In the 6th dimension beings understand how to expand consciousness to the collective mind. There is a communion of mental projections for cohesion of knowledge. Beings learn the pathways of the brain and how to channel higher energies through the infinite facets of the brain. Beings are multitalented and able to access different channels of thought.
The 7th dimension is density. In the 7th dimension beings understand how to adjust meridians to generate higher energy. Beings study the chakras of the body and planetary body and learn geometric patterns that shape energies into new forms such as transform the physical orientation.
The 8th dimension is library. In the 8th dimension beings understand how to store, file and connect information. Beings map incarnation cycles and make agreements/contracts with self, soul family and collective community. Experiences and the zodiac signature are selected based on the strength of the souls’ broadcast in the cosmos. (The strength determines the souls’ mastery in lower and higher realms. A weak broadcast means a soul is not fully empowered in the lower and/or higher realms and requires lessons to strength unconditional love).
The 9th dimension is transmission. In the 9th dimension beings understand how to output data. Beings learn the network of the universe and how to cross information into different galactic regions. They study the filter systems of many planetary matrixes and how to structure information to match the language of the receiver.
The 10th dimension is reception. In the 10th dimension beings understand how to receive intentions and structure guidance based on the being or collective being language. These beings are spirit guides, angels and transcribe/translate the complex data into content able to be comprehendible by the mind of being or collective being. They live closely to the planet the being is on to better understand the matrix of the being’s emotions, thoughts and environment. This helps them to give constructive guidance that is relatable to the emotion, thought and environment. Spirit guides learn how to be teachers and space holders (working alongside different lower/higher realms they are able to learn compassion for the universe)
The 11th dimension is council. In the 11th dimension beings understand how to consult, instruct and command changes and solidify the new arrangement for the mind. They are professors of the universe and have knowledge from the many experiences they have on different planets and realms. They are able to provide leadership because they observe/exist in MANY eras/ages on Earth, Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius, Orion, etc. along the wide spectrum of soul expression and have a wide variety of experiences they’ve mastered.

The 12th dimension is planetary. In the 12th dimension beings understand how to build planetary bodies such design planets, a solar system, the sun and constitutional makeup of species. They architect genetics based on the collective vision for the planet and study records from other planets to decide the most stable DNA structure. They create basic layouts, blueprints, densities and generator points (ley lines) to ensure the longevity and sustainability of the planet, sun and/or solar system.

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