Friday, March 10, 2017

Atlantean Life

Atlantis is the city of water. Waterfalls can be heard from within the breezy white marble homes angled upward towards the heart of the city. The island is not natural but constructed by the imagination of mapmaker generations. On top of the upward ascending central point is a pyramid with underground crystal tunnels pumping different spectrums of light that run throughout the region. They would intersect inside the pyramid and the power of it is equivalent to a supernova. What contains this massive force is the pyramid itself. The energy naturally through the design of the pyramid would be forced upward spiraling as it did and a beam of light would strike the sky from the small opening.
Atlanteans have advanced irrigation systems. Four rings of flowing rivers surround the city. Electricity flows through the moving water but is a different form than what is known today. It is invisible light contained in microscopic crystals. Along the outer rings live rural beings and along the inner rings live suburban beings. Rivers flowing adjacent to the rings connect to the surrounding greenish blue ocean towards the inner most rings. The inner ring surrounds the ascending homes towards the crystal pyramid on top of the tall and rigid island mountain. They use a pumping system to purify all water carried from the ocean to civilization. Large crystals would block the sea water from entering into the designed rivers by absorbing the participles unsuitable for drinking water. The force of the pumped water provides an additional source of power for the city. Mainly, this power is used for the transportation of beings into other planes of reality beyond Earth’s plane.
Atlanteans are highly active explores. They enjoy using their body to express their creativity through dance, music, and building. They are known when discovered by outsiders for having large statues of strange looking beings not of Earth and before hieroglyphic writing written everywhere on everything. They are admired for their strangeness in appearance, style, and way of expressing themselves to seamen who accouter their hidden island. The gold disc ships they posses transport them not to the stars but to the other planes to learn different philosophies and interpretations of God, nirvana, and existence like traveling to another country to observe the unique culture there. This ability to cross dimensions makes the Atlanteans universal because of the great connection to realms outside of theirs. Their bodies transform over generations to be able to handle the diversity of different dimensions, with its different gravities and basic matrix laws.
Farming wasn’t hard work or required long hours of labor. The soil was constantly purified by thinner than paper sheets of crystal that would blanket the soil just below the surface. These blankets would be absorbed into the soil and inside the tiny particles of crystal would grow into spontaneous creations of fruits. Every season a different region would grow a foreign fruit, never tasted before, and when all were gone the same season a year later the field would grow another foreign fruit. There are journals of hundreds of thousands of different fruit grown on the small continent passed down from generation to generation. They disappeared with the sinking of Atlantis.
The wind can carry ships to the continent where the Himalayas lie. Hiking the mountain is a pilgrimage for the peaceful souls. The mountain itself is a portal to another plane of Earth, a future plane where a highly populated diverse humanity has built temples on top of it. The Atlanteans would cross into future planes of Earth and disguise their strange honey skin, long thick white hair due to aging over hundreds of years, and clear blue eyes. Atlanteans deeply admire certain ages on the planet and would observe as time keepers. They understand time and its nowness. They never try to interfere with the creations within those different time periods but observe in knowingness that life always moves on to new creations, no being will stay where they are at.
The sea turtle is their sacred animal. It is symbolic for progress, slow progress is better than fast, protection, and patience. These beings are very patient with themselves and each other. They never try to impose or force the energies to be what they want it to be. They simple wait for nature to naturally transform into their desire, knowing that all things change according to the will of visualization. They aren’t neurotic or distrustful like humanity today is in relation to manifestation because they have complete faith in the power of visualization. It isn’t a question if it will happen.
Surrounded by whales and dolphins, Atlantis is a migration spot for many species of whale and dolphin. Pink dolphins can be seen in the clear water lagoons off shore on a neighboring island. Atlantis is hidden by the ridge cliffs of many islands that turn the current away from Atlantis and towards another great sea.
Love is platonic and finding a mate happens in toddler years. Sex and romance is not what it is today. Beings do not seek marriage to fill a whole within their heart that is lack of support or family. Togetherness is based on creativity. Those souls brought together share the same creative vision. Atlanteans are encouraged to be inventors and families share the same soul vibrational level. All biological families were soul pods, sharing unique vibrations that are identical with slight variations.
The Age of Taurus marks the transition into the Bronze Age. The bull became a symbol for stamina, perseverance, and discipline. Ships from outside the region of numerous islands found the hidden current into the central sea where Atlantis lies in the middle of the calm surrounded by fierceness. Those new beings want to advance their minds and technology but Atlanteans understood that they are not mature enough to handle the truth. Over periods of times the new beings try to persuade them to teach their wisdom. Still the Atlanteans refuse because it isn’t their destiny to have what they seek. Generations pass and the new beings start to control Atlanteans to give them their support in advancing their minds. As the planet transitions more into the Bronze Age the new beings become more envious, jealous, angry, bitter, competitive, and restless.
Atlanteans destroy their own city to keep the technology away from the hands of those whose destiny isn’t to discover such things. A volcano miles away underwater erupts and the aftermath leads to Atlantis being underwater. This was the finally statement from the Atlanteans, “Only when humanity is one the true teachings will return to all.” Many Atlanteans left their scared island before the disaster and traveled to different regions around the world to spread the seed. It is the same seed that is awakening humanity in the 20th century. It is a seed of wisdom because Atlanteans above all have trust in one’s own wisdom. It is untainted, unspoiled, not persuaded, or saturated by external forces that wish to impose on what lies within but it is purified. They use their organic and most natural truths of oneness, compassion, and love to establish a community that respects and trusts each other. Trust is how they advance themselves.
Atlanteans are beings that represent each race of humanity and soon all of humanity will have ethnicity that contains all races. The intuitive beings before the end of their civilization decide to be guides to this time period because this age marks the end of envy, jealousy, anger, bitterness, competition, and restlessness and the beginning of a resurrection. They provide the 20th century with tools to keep up with the fast resurrection of ancient teachings of the mind.
Thousands of years have gone by of slow progress circling endlessly in sameness. Now the path is opening up and humanity sees a way out of repeating the same path. Atlanteans are the past versions of 20th century humanity and the future versions because they understand time and its nowness. Their civilization is gone but the time before that exists so they exist today.
Twin Flames are born from Atantis. Atlanteans are similar to Archangels, complete beings, both feminine and masculine. The first Twin Flames were biological twins. When the soul wished to experience looking at itself in the physical it split into male and female. By doing this it could spend a lifetime of looking at its own soul through looking into the eyes of another and appreciating the expression of the souls unique light.
Twin Flames decide to go off into different directions during the Bronze and Dark Ages to gain wisdom from the many regions of the planet. This is done so the Twin Flame soul can have a well rounded interpretation of Earth. Many souls accumulate junk, beliefs, ideas, thoughts, and energies that do nothing but keep the soul limited. Every soul who travels to Earth during the Bronze and Dark ages has a mission they must succeed to evolve, which is to choose bravery over fear. Very few choose bravery but those who do crack open a truth for all of humanity. A discovered truth is mastering how to channel the cosmic energy. What it does is it opens portals of light. It bridges the physical to the spiritual. This has helped Earth during the Bronze and Dark ages to move along. Each guru, teacher, and spiritualist has provided humanity with guidance on the purpose of those ages, to build souls strength.
Now Twin Flames are returning back to their most natural state, oneness, to share their well rounded wisdom with all. In order for this to occur Twin Flames must understand their soul’s echolocation. There is a regional echolocation based on culture, beliefs, customs, and ideologies and many communicate and interact with life through this. In order to hear the call of one’s soul family and Twin Flame they must known the unique sound of their soul. This is the underlining rhythmic vibration. When the soul’s echolocation is discovered the most creative vision is and that will return a soul to its Atlantean frequency before the split, unification, wholeness, and creative visualization. Beings unified within themselves are abundant in courage and creative expression because the basic idea of life for a soul is to express the soul. Unification of oneself requires much purification, deletion, and removal of accumulated junk in order to be liberated of envy, jealousy, anger, bitterness, and restlessness that have people’s pulses out of rhythmic intelligence.

Twin Flames become one to emerge all of time for the final transcendence of this plane into a new one. 

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