Sunday, March 19, 2017

Twin Flame Sacred Teaching

The role Twin Flames play in humanities transition into the New Age is balancing the masculine and feminine within. The feminine is playful grace, creative expression, intuitive faith and the masculine is disciplined goals, self esteem, and confidence in accepting one’s unlimited greatness. It is accepting where you are. Many fool themselves that they are content with where they are at but are equally, desperately, striving to advance themselves in career and love life. They are on the search of something they feel they need to attain for satisfaction in life, such as career opportunity, recognition, marriage, a business, etc.
You are exploring what it is that makes YOU feel most alive without needing to capture it, grasp it, or keep it. Move through the moments of grace in trust that more moments like it will arise with a disciplined heart, a focus on peace in being GOOD with just being you. Self expression will help you come into balance within yourself. Creativity strengthens the connection with the sacred heart and its love for self. Art making, singing, dancing, poetry, etc. requires acceptance for your uniqueness, high self esteem, and overall self love to showcase to yourself the beauty that lies within. Those who oppose the beauty within will have trouble being expressive because they question its value to the world.

Twin flames are exploring what it means to be authentic outside the parent’s definition, society’s definition, and ideologies definition of them. Who am I if I wasn’t a product of this world? It’s the many realizations that bring Twin Flames to the conclusion that a soul is a journey. Spiritually growing leaps and bounds is the highest path of Twin Flames because it requires the most amount of self acceptance of your chosen path and respect for others chosen path, either growing alongside you or not. This path guarantees that old friends will be let go of, careers with change, plans will be released, ways of life will vanish, and all that is left is YOU, alone, with nothing eternal to latch on to provide you will validation that your great. It is YOU believing you are great because you are a planet, original and worthy of a sacred place in the stars. Like the planets there is enough room for every soul to have a place in space to share its unique vibrations and colors. 

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