Thursday, December 8, 2016

Mindful College Writing: Essence of Buddhism

The Buddha teaching is meant to carry man to peace, happiness, and ultimate bliss/Nirvana.
The core premise of Buddhism is to be enthusiastic, energetic, calm, and balanced throughout life regardless of hostilities that may be around, “…He is calm and serene and cannot be upset or dismayed by changes” (19). When a person has a strong sense of Self this leaves space for suffering because attachment to one owns identity causes pain when change occurs. A person can believe hardship is the universe being against them, but in truth the universe isn’t for or against anything, death and rebirth is a part of change that must occur. Like a plant grows, it is flexible to the environments because it knows that to reach its fullest potent is must adapt or die. Attachment to ideologies on how life should be for a person is the leading reason for deep pain because nothing is permanent. Nor should be because the Self that a person is today will not be tomorrow so there is no relevancy is attaching oneself to any ideology on Self.

. “…Consciousness depends on matter, sensation, perception, and mental formations and that it cannot exist with it…” (18), is a truth according to the Buddha yoga. The essence or soul of a person is only a combination of every-changing physical and mental forces that flow through and out of a person’s identity. A Buddhist accepts the conditions and environment in which they live in. Everything is empty ready to be filled up and then poured out again. It is important to not waste time on metaphysical pursuits. A person’s focus should be on being joyous in this life and not worrying about what is beyond this life. A Buddhist should not be concerned with ownership over things because a person is not here to own pleasures on Earth, but to co-create with Earth. Overall, the Buddhist religion accepts the world the way it knowing that everything changes and pursuing joy through simplicity and kindness. 

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