Monday, April 4, 2016

A Day Of Celebration - Twin Flames Are Here To Stay

On this day, two years ago, Maya and Zyaire met for the first time. April 4th is a day of celebration because Twin Flames are coming together in the physical. The return of Lemuria, Atlantis, and the birth of The Golden Age is here for us all if we are willing to embrace the light inside of us.  Twin Flames are here to pave the way for the future hybrid children that are waiting beyond the veil for us to be ready for their innovated ideas to take our planet by storm. A shift is taking place in everyone’s conscious thoughts. This shift is an idea, a vision, a dream of a world that transcends the ego and reminds each person of a time long before this current age where everyone lived a life of love, compassion, and grace. That day is coming. Souls that don’t wish to take part in The Golden Age will not stay, but travel to another planet where they can continue to dance around with the ego, but those people who wish to return to the Native American life of simplicity will be among the first to step into The Golden Age. 

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