What inspires your artwork, Rosa?

I have always believed that I came to the planet at this time to heal it.  As a child I had dreams of worlds like Alice In Wonderland or Harry Potter mystical worlds. When I traveled to these worlds, I met Beings that I now call my spirit guides. They gave me insight about this world and the changes that are occurring underneath everything that is said to be true, but is illusionary. The truth of this world is coming out. This is a revolution like no other. It’s a serious one because the planet needs our help. It’s not too late to save the human race. Making art helps me to express the insight I was given by higher evolved Beings. My art pieces reflect my internal contemplation of what it would be like for everyone to be a part of the Golden Age of FREEDOM. I can see it everywhere I go in the air, trees, baby’s smiles, children playing outside, but I know a lot of people still can’t see it. Through my art I give people a glimpse into what I see.

Spring 2017
Spring 2016

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