Attracting the Higher Life Partner
By Rosa Ivy
Before we
can get into our radiance of our empowered movement we need to get real about
the persons, places and things in our environment. The higher life partner
isn’t a given. It is something we evolve to receive. All of us are born into a
container full with the world’s dilemma, issue and low vibrating patterns. This
is our primary clearing before we can get to our secondary activation. However,
the primary “Getting Real” works together with the secondary activation.
We are a
radiant soul that comes into a person, place and thing which for most is
arrhythmic to the essence. Therefore, as a child growing up, we begin to
distance ourselves from the hand in hand closeness with our essence to fit
inside the container. What this does is create a barrier between the person
created by the container and the essence living free from the container.
Therefore, we don’t know how to connect finite to infinite, manifest our
potential, receive clarity about decisions nor have heartfelt wonder for new
We live
lying to ourselves to follow the legacy of what is inside the container, which
doesn’t vibrate very high and therefore, isn’t high quality creations. We lie
to ourselves about what we want from life because living only in the container
we are limited capacity to envision a greater life for ourselves, limited
imagination, limited energy, limited projection and a very small broadcast. We
ask for what we want inside the container and then lose our voice when we don’t
receive it instantly. But mostly the things we ask for are coming from an
unhealed place that seeks for ego attention to validate the existence of the
container. However, ego without essence is governed by group think, common low
vibrating beliefs and mundane smallness. Ego wants group think success and
presents facades or gives a “Show” to get anything out of life, is entitled to
get what beliefs state…I get this job, house, car but there is no depth only
objects to fill the small container and uses distractions to hide away low
If we are
to successfully navigate through the primary school we need to clear the
dilemma, issue and low vibrating patterns out of the holistic system or we
attract a partner that matches our ego’s limited resource, low capacity to
expand, low energy to rise above and mundane thinking, needs something to make
time go by faster, needs someone to validate I am existing. We have to get real
and clear all the persons, places and things that do not activate higher
consciousness by bringing essence to life and getting our container unique and
original. We cannot lie to ourselves and pretend to be something we’re not,
engage in random encounters or get desperate for attention. We have to equalize
ego and essence to know wholeness to imagine a higher partner that is beyond
survival before we can meet them.
This is a
challenging task because it requires us to strip ourselves of environments that
do not support higher consciousness such as moving out of our partner’s house,
ending friendships that drain us, jobs that entrap us, etc. Now, higher
consciousness isn’t hanging with monks, Yogis, Saints or deeply spiritual
people. It is connecting with the 5 elements that govern our radiance such as
Water––gentle flow, Fire––energetic movement, Earth––grounded joy, and
Wind––changeable spaciousness. These connections can show up in many ways but
it creates an overall rhythmic and organic environment that replenishes and
Many of us
don’t graduate to the secondary school because we refuse to listen to our
intuition out of fear and limited thinking. We stay because we don’t see other
options at that current awareness because we are engaging in environments that
aren’t fertile with higher consciousness to open new possibilities. We call
someone our match but that partnership is dilemma, issue and low vibrating
patterns that isn’t radiant.
radiance is the highest partnership. It is two people swirling higher
consciousness or Mother Earth rhythmically and reverently through each other.
Many relationships are two energies pulling and leaking each other that
scrambles the natural rhythm of the two individuals and is inflexible to new
nuances that revive the vitality of the relationship. A relationship in the
container only wants to survive. Expansion isn’t priority or relevant. It is
maintain the fixed identity.
We are not
having an ego death because ego is important. It gives us discernment and
boundaries but it is to assist the essence and not to rule the essence. When ego
rules the essence relationship is dilemma, issue and low vibrating patterns
that is not fulfilling for the essence. But we continue to lie to ourselves
because the container can’t imagine anything higher. Therefore, we settle into
the smallness of our capability. This is the work, sex, eat and repeat
partnership based on tried play, expectation and status quo relay that recycles
more of the same work, sex, eat and repeat.
Once we’ve
wholeheartedly decided it is a must to be the essence and follow through on the
heart simple Joy through connecting with Mother Earth becomes priority. We
begin to learn ourselves from Mother Earth’s perspective rather than the
containers. We begin to take care of our holistic health and fine tune our
natural rhythm through harmonizing, healing and equalizing the body, mind and
spirit. Through holistic heath we begin to understand what it means to be
empowered, heartfelt, healed and connected to something greater than the
container. We become intuitive, creative, strong and unique. However, the
container cannot be ignored, denied or out of view. We live in a world where
most pull thoughts and ideas from the container. Therefore, we need endurance
and a strong will to move and shake the hard mold dilemma, issue and low
vibrating patterns have on us and loosen it for new nuances to take root and
reshape our potential higher.
We must
elevate our stature above our fears, insecurity, childhood, circumstance, attitude
to view life from a cosmic more infinite perspective to upgrade the ego
identity. Strong essence is how we ground the great envisioned victory into the
matrix which is the larger container around the self container. The prominent
broadcast of the essence becomes a powerful magnetic field that vibrates
structures loose to match the plan of the essence. It brings practical and
soulful life together.
This is a
challenge because it requires inputting higher vibrations into the holistic
system consistently, everyday to solidify the new pattern. Eventually, the new,
more efficient and expanded pattern will rewrite the container. But are we committed
to the work required? We must face our dilemma, issue and low vibrating
patterns and it will bring tears, fears, heartache, pain, trauma and insecurity
up to the surface to be healed. Many of us rather hide, distract or ignore our
shadows but whatever is low vibrating or unhealed must rise if we are to rise
the total system higher.
shadows is taking back our power. No more are fear, insecurity, trauma,
childhood issue, anger and shame governing our potential. We breakthrough the
self-sabotage, self-destruct, low vibrating chatter––dilemma, issue and low
vibrating patterns by making reverence our mission. Life then becomes a
dedication and discipline to the essence and learning what she/he needs to be
radiant, what does and does not serve the radiance and getting consolidated and
clear. Simple joy and evolution of the essence through overcoming challenge and
reaching victory becomes everyday insight and deeper connection to Mother
We must be
victory! We must evolve! We must hold the torch up to prove to ego and the
matrix that we are serious about birthing our total self on Earth Now.
Reverence is the key to unlocking massive gold arching doors to radiance that
commands “Give me what I want Creatively” because the broadcast isn’t ego
unhealed, need for attention, entitlement to job, house, car but a sincere
channel of divine vibrato that is a lot more powerful than the weak unmoved
relay seeking façade power. There is a distinct line between low quality work
and work ethic and high quality work. High quality work is native. It is being
the embodiment of Mother Earth and like a Tree natural Creation is high quality
because it is in-synch with the rhythm, flow, energy, evolution and agility of
Mother Earth. Then, the electromagnetic field of a single person becomes an
entire forest and the entire forest becomes a single person’s one big breath.
It is be
humble, lighthearted and sovereign that reverence calls in. Once we gain our
youthful momentum the common decline in radiance, holistic health and jazz for
natural life for many people clears out of the holistic system providing
revived space and like a child before dilemma, issue and low vibrating patterns
we are a golden temple for creative expression. This momentum expands ego
capacity to hold higher energy and floods the black and white container with
bright consolidated color. This upgrades belief on potential for life
experience, the relationship with pain and trauma and provides a higher
self-concept that rises above duality, black and white, good and bad into
unconditional love.
love is the energy that can heal anything. It is our greatest study and
greatest mastery. Our thoughts shift from “What I truly want probably isn’t out
there to I Am a Creator and therefore, whatever is most prominent in my energy
field is broadcasting to be.” We become aware of what is projecting out of our
holistic system and chiropractor or self adjust ourselves to divine healing.
Each of us has a divine healing inside. When the essence is prominent in life
divine healing is our radiance.
healing is endured, tolerant, patient and consolidated radiance like a very
wise, sophisticated and understanding Tree. This is higher consciousness. This
is break through. To know unconditional love in the holistic system through
reverence in mediation, art-making, singing, dancing, forest bathing, writing,
laughing, traveling and mind, body and spirit healing We are Mother Earth, the
sunny tops of the tree and the dark deep to the tree.
It is a
challenge because everything has to be poured out, faced and redefined. Everything
we claim we are from the father, mother, grandparents, ex lovers, jobs and
circumstances, all dilemma, issue and low vibrating patterns has to rise and it
is a process. Dilemma, issue and low vibrating patterns are heavy on the
holistic system because there are centuries; thousands of years of group think
structures, shrinking beliefs and mundane smallness. Therefore, we must be
consistent, determined and more than okay with being unique and original to
hold the torch up long enough for big dreams to reach us.
Then, when
we date we are seeking a compliment not someone to fill our void or pretend
live with but is not brightness. Living is leadership, following through on the
heart, saying NO to the drainage on our health and growing energy and not
losing jazz for life. Only a divine healing can keep up with the ebbs and flows
without getting entangled, broken, bitter, harden, toxic or distorted. Divine
healing knows reverence and focus to get to the root of why the soul is here
and getting real about all persons, places and things in the environment.
There is
no need to lie because unconditional love sees beyond duality and has the
compassion to recognize everything returns to love. When a divine healing
occurs space is open for light to activate the higher function of the holistic
system bringing natural gifts and talents, wisdom, clarity, wholeness, oneness
and great jazz for life. Partnership then becomes an amplification of our
radiance and not a benefactor of our completeness. It becomes a mirror of our
unified projection of inner harmony and jazz for life.
Partnership is self-discovery and not an
unmoved, boring relay but evolving relay, holistic health and personal growth.
It is an overall true friend that shows the truth to what is going on inside
us. Even if it scares us to see our deeper fears, insecurities, bad habits or
negative tendencies we welcome it because our relationship focus is bringing
essence to life and apart of that is getting real with ourselves. Partnership
is fun, enjoyable, easeful and gives us what we want, what the essence needs
and supports our natural rhythm. We don’t have to pretend or lie because we
know we are love and live radiantly as an extension of Mother Earth.