Tuesday, March 28, 2017


It's summer and the greenhouse sun is melting icebergs–removing snow leopards out of the mountains and testing the corporate machine–do you really want the rainforest to disappear for the fulfillment of a passionate consumer? Conspiracy chemtrails take the innocence out of the sky. The baby blue and violet horizon isn’t painted on by a great artist as when I was a child. People are too busy chasing–running around gaining to notice the ecosystem is stressed. Sometimes I wish humanity wasn’t chosen to be guardians of the world. Our responsibility is to care for all creatures–protect them. Our only task is to observe the ecosystem’s evolution. We never needed to do anything special to fulfill our mission.

Consciousness is intelligence and it runs like sap to a tree–it seeps out and is present in our seed of new biological life. We must tap into it by observing the deeper essence within our beingness. For the awareness of our greater purpose to be focused we must move past the *bullshit* of consumerism for the observation of evolution to sweep us away in its wonder. Only then we have the wisdom to let go and allow consciousness to plant us where we are needed for the balance of the world. 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Twin Flame Mastery Is A Journey Of Doing What You Love

Majority of the relationships developing are soul mate connections because there is still much to absorb and learn from this strange experience called Age of Aquarius. We have just begun and are learning to become master surfers. We must ride the waves of our soul with confidence and focus rather than try to manipulate the waves to be what we want of them. We have tools on how to keep up with the brutal advancements on the nervous system from our many lives as warriors, teachers, Yogis, and Gurus. We know the fundamental teaching–strength is required in everything we do. A surfer understands what it takes to ride the wave of life. It requires stamina, perseverance, focus, flexibility, physical and mental strength, trust, and most importantly–an ability to get back up from a whip out.
We are climbing up a mountain side by side with our soul mates. Some go and some stay but we never remain the same. The reason most Twin Flames that are physically and continuously together are middle age plus, with exceptions, is because like the concept middle age represents, they’ve come to terms with the life they live, they are content with the person they’ve become. Many individuals younger than middle age have dissatisfaction with the person they are today. They feel they must reach a certain level within their spirituality, emotional life, and physical manifestations to be excited about the life they live.
We must face the honesty within. If we are not balanced in our financial world, have spiritual grace or emotional stable we cannot pretend that we are content. We don’t criticize ourselves either. We tell ourselves that we are willing to change our expectations on money, spirituality, and emotional happiness. Then, we decide to whole heartily get our act together, stop being a victim of our circumstances, stop blaming our childhood for our adulthood troubles, stop procrastinating about moving, writing that book, quitting a job, stop dating out of loneness, stop the pity party–woo is me, and take responsibility for how far we’ve gotten off track from our souls truth–we are powerful.
This is a moment to take back your power. You created the life you live not your parents, childhood, jobs, culture, and circumstances. A true surfer understands it’s them that either succeeds or not. It isn’t the wave that keeps them from success. It’s their lack of focus, practice, determination, and/or drive that prevents them from riding the wave.
We must learn to stop being anal about having things a certain way and live with what we got while devoting ourselves to living the highest truth of our soul. The highest truth of your soul doesn’t easily give into doubt, and anxiety–it is willing to overcome the many programs of life to posse a mind unspoiled by the culture around. It is said doubt and anxiety is the norm–well you are here to follow the norm of the soul and that speaks of creativity, dance like no one’s watching, and childlike play. Life is lived fully with a cheerful heart and life was designed to be deeply experienced not somewhat experienced.
Many Twin Flames incarnated have much they wish to let go of, especially those who are not physically together. Those willing to let go and pursue one’s highest liberation come together but remember the masculine and feminine must wrap up the egos “I” presence–meaning be at peace with the life YOU always wanted to have for possibly lifetimes. This moment you created and when you recognize that truth–YOU created this–you step on the path of doing what is that you love. Twin Flames let go by being devoted to doing what it is they love. It is the path of the soul because it requires to most level of courage, faith, and self acceptance.
Twin Flame sets have lifetimes of dreams they’ve wished to manifest in the physical and either they let go of many in realization that those dreams aren’t In alignment with their highest soul’s life experience or play them out in this lifetime. The aura will never be cleared of creativity because all that energy is creating your past, present, and future–parallel lives in a multitude of dimensions. If you have dreams of being an astronaut but know in this life you aren’t destined to be one it is happening in another dimension.
Each third dimensional life we have a focus dream. Also, we are connected to the other selves that are pursuing an infinite amount of other things all at once. If you’re lacking inspiration go within. It’s guaranteed you’ll be met with another version of yourself on another planet doing something quit abnormal compared to this world's grid system. You’ll get your most brilliant ideas from the place where all of time meets; all the infinite yous meet–in your heart.
This focus dream is our destiny in this SINGLE third dimensional experience. It doesn’t have to be manifesting a career. It can be a combination of lessons playing out such as patience, self-acceptance, poverty consciousness, hoarding, forgiveness, etc. usually the individual lessons reflect the collect lessons–One being courage. Humanity has failed at mastering this for thousands of years judging by the lack of abundance in original thought–now only showing up. Everyone is used to being followers–too cowardly to stand up for themselves, therefore, too fearful to stand up for injustice, discrimination, political corruption, or racial suppression. The few stood up and then soon after many followed. We mastered courage the lifetimes we decided to say no to the hate crimes.
Souls who lose their inner power work on other lessons and the collective lesson in order to return back to their most organic presence. Return to the organic heart is mastery of a certain dimensional reality.
The New Age soul mate connection reflects the humans upgrade in Self. Some have already come together with their Twin Flame in a previous lifetime or higher realm and did the exchange of knowledge. In order to exchange lifetimes of learned knowledge the data has to be complete–mastered. No two Twin Flame sets are learning the same lessons like no two surfers have the same technique in riding a wave. Mastery is learned techniques that can advice a soul in the other dimensional realities. Kundalini has taken numerous lifetimes to master an exercise and/or mantra technique. Once mastered, its wisdom can be shared for the betterment of humanity.
Twin Flames cross paths throughout eons to encourage, adjust each other back to the most organic frequency like a chiropractor adjusts the spine back to its most organic posture, and get them to SEE what really matters. In this third dimensional plane many get off track from what it is they are truly meant to do because they are overwhelmed by the grid system. They become fearful and stray from the fundamental truth–strength is required in everything you do. People believe easy is safe but easy isn’t mastery–only discomfort in growing while being happy with the awkwardness of change is the path.
Twin Flames physically together agreed to be life path ten, which is being the embodiment of mastery. Some Twin Flames have already ascended into the new cycle, fifth dimensional living. Most likely they are experiencing both realities simultaneously–How better to know the future of Earth than live in it while living here also.
Soul mates are adjusting you to the many frequencies within you, either you haven’t explored, must heal, release, or need to discover. Once you’ve TAKEN BACK YOUR POWER you understand you and your Twin Flame are here to master your technique, exchange it with each other, share it, make peace with what you’ve learned and ascend.

Ascension has no end. It’s a journey of doing what you love.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Twin Flame Sacred Teaching

The role Twin Flames play in humanities transition into the New Age is balancing the masculine and feminine within. The feminine is playful grace, creative expression, intuitive faith and the masculine is disciplined goals, self esteem, and confidence in accepting one’s unlimited greatness. It is accepting where you are. Many fool themselves that they are content with where they are at but are equally, desperately, striving to advance themselves in career and love life. They are on the search of something they feel they need to attain for satisfaction in life, such as career opportunity, recognition, marriage, a business, etc.
You are exploring what it is that makes YOU feel most alive without needing to capture it, grasp it, or keep it. Move through the moments of grace in trust that more moments like it will arise with a disciplined heart, a focus on peace in being GOOD with just being you. Self expression will help you come into balance within yourself. Creativity strengthens the connection with the sacred heart and its love for self. Art making, singing, dancing, poetry, etc. requires acceptance for your uniqueness, high self esteem, and overall self love to showcase to yourself the beauty that lies within. Those who oppose the beauty within will have trouble being expressive because they question its value to the world.

Twin flames are exploring what it means to be authentic outside the parent’s definition, society’s definition, and ideologies definition of them. Who am I if I wasn’t a product of this world? It’s the many realizations that bring Twin Flames to the conclusion that a soul is a journey. Spiritually growing leaps and bounds is the highest path of Twin Flames because it requires the most amount of self acceptance of your chosen path and respect for others chosen path, either growing alongside you or not. This path guarantees that old friends will be let go of, careers with change, plans will be released, ways of life will vanish, and all that is left is YOU, alone, with nothing eternal to latch on to provide you will validation that your great. It is YOU believing you are great because you are a planet, original and worthy of a sacred place in the stars. Like the planets there is enough room for every soul to have a place in space to share its unique vibrations and colors. 

Friday, March 17, 2017

Changing Blue Prints

It’s an interesting experience being a part of a new blue print. Many would wonder what it means to carry the new blue print. This is our original heart space before the age of darkness placed the idea of self doubt inside its swirling ocean of innocent creativity. Thousands of years have gone by and none of the many wars reached a conclusion until now. Competition and peace don't support each other. The end of the Mayan calendar marked 2012 as the beginning of the Earth. The challenge with this beginning is its birth lies on top of consumerism, capitalism, and commercialism, the EGO. The evidence of the beginning is found in the science of neurology advancements. When the mind  evolves it means an opening has occurred for a current of frequencies to flood in and rejuvenate our world.
Many can call this beginning stepping into fifth dimensional living, higher consciousness living, a Golden Age, resurrection of ancient Lemuria and Atlantis, this twentieth century is a period of rapid deletion. Letting go is the theme for all of humanity at this time. A fertile beginning cannot blossom in the soil of infertility, which our competitive minds have created. It’s a cosmic task because our planet has unique wisdom contained in its crystal heart that will not be found anywhere else in all universes. This wisdom shares stories of the power it takes to unify the self in a world that appears to not know how. Many have already given up on this planet and seek refuge elsewhere in the stars but most are empowered to clean up the mess that was left from the old minds living.
It’s exhausting to uplift ones energy in a drained world. Many don’t have their priority aimed on self healing, which is the only true power source for refueling. Refueling methods not centered on self healing are unstable and this will not elevate the world into its original presence. This presence is connectiveness with all things not just person to person, Earthling to Earthling. The Native American’s held true to this presence. We were a stampede to the Natives and still are to each other today. Running, chasing, gaining, but rarely observing. An observer understands that a person isn’t here to claim anything. A human is here to not change the world to follow its rules. It is synergy every human wishes to participate in.
Now a days, many people have private businesses. Reflecting on this, it’s clear people don’t know how to work with each other. When people aren’t interested in dealing with the heaviness of other people they seek a career that involves not having to work with those kinds of people. This is problematic because it creates a division–Heavy energies working with heavy energies and those lighter energies working with lighter energies. Understanding the principle of being a lightworker a person realizes it’s the crossing over that will bring everyone under the same umbrella of higher consciousness living. Heavy corporate jobs need light energies to boost up the place and encourage others to pursue grace. Light energies need heavy energies to build their self esteem and leadership ability over their own vibration. Empathetic people say they quit their job because their empathetic and therefore soak up people’s negativity. A true strong light energy would know that it isn’t other people’s energies that define their own. It is their leadership over their own energy that does.
Lightworkers remind humanity how beautiful the world is when grace is present. Many would ask what a lightworker is. These beings are numerous at this time and have varies job titles. They are easily recognized by their grace and deep care for all Earthlings. The rubble of the last thousands of years accumulates in the form of pollution and toxins, not only in our oceans but in our thoughts–thoughts of self hatred, anxiety and depression–all of which Is due to our neurology being off balance. The off balance within creates a natural neglect without. Simply stated, lightworkers are cleaning up the mutated world. Some mutations are beneficial, bring life. Humans are mutations, evolving from one species of human to the next. Others are destroyers because they deplete the life force energy. It’s a leader who decides the form in which the mutation will take place.
The new blue print is self love. The reason it’s a challenging task because many would rather forget the regret, blame, hate, jealousy, envy, bitterness, unforgiveness, etc. than work through it because many don’t have the tools to work through it. Letting go is more than communicating it as an affirmation. It requires discipline to release the depression many carry without knowing. Sometimes it takes lifetimes to uplift the depression. The twentieth century gives everyone the opportunity for accelerated growth. Most of the deep soul’s growth is done in deep contemplation. This is the best technology for purifying icky energy that doesn’t make a person happy alongside kundalini, a practice of mind, body, and soul healing, strengthening, and rejuvenating work.
Depression is depletion. We can’t escape depletion. The world is exhausting because it’s so chaotic especially with social media giving us whip lash with all its unnecessary shared stuff. We are bombarded with much miscellaneous stuff that doesn’t do anything for us except clog our minds. It’s TV, facebook, music videos, news, politics, etc. To replenish our mind, body, and soul is stillness. We must disconnect so we can connect. The healthiest mind, body, and soul spends time in the spiritual realm, not just in sleeping times, during the day mediating, relaxing, listening to healing music, taking nature walks, appreciating the ocean on a seashore walk, water coloring. It’s a smile and laugh that heals the depletion. How can we smile and laugh when exhausted? Take a cold shower for 1- 3 minutes or 15 minutes plus until you feel warm. Its super yummy for your organs, opens your pours to release toxins, anti-aging remedy, sparks your central and nervous systems to life, stimulates your mind, and supports the vitality of your life force energy.
Warm baths can connect you to the womb where you feel safe, loved, nurtured, and in need of nothing because you have everything. At night take a cold shower and then warm bath. The radiant body from the shower going deep within the heart inside the bath will help you connect even deeper with the healing energy.
The new blue print is peace, community, and radiance in a world that appears to move too fast for us to keep up. Only then we can keep up.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Mayitasuwa & Mietasuwa (Twin Flames) Discovering The Soul

Mayitasuwa is an archangel of creativity with a focus on uplifting densities through creative practice and applied knowledge in the form of artistic expression. Her Lemurian sacred heart remains crystallized and activated due to her ability to always remain true to her highest form, never does she compromise her purest heart to conform to current reality matrix laws. She carries the unique frequency of groundedness through “being ahead of the trend”, which helps her youthful age to foresee the highest possible reality for all. She holds the vibration of a passionate leader of a revolutionary embodiment that shack humanity out of its current neurology wavelength into a new and improved wavelength. She is a mover and shaker in order to inspire humanity to get out of its habitual patterns.
She incarnates during transitional ages, when two unique eras blur together and the old must be transcended. Her presence stands for originality through death and rebirth. There is a unique playfulness in her that evokes others originality and it’s her childlike heart that keeps the Lemurian teachings remembered. Her self esteem awakens the world to take back its power, stopping oblivious neurotic behavior due to fear. Her energy is blunt, straight forward, because energies move (move on to new levels) when directed with power and focus, this is only found in facing whatever must be faced without fear (strength of mind instead of hidding overwhelmed by fear).
Every dance, song, portrait, showcases the chameleon dragon in her. Mayitasuwa carries the over soul frequency of unified facets. The many facets of her are nurtured and whole. They aren’t split or separate themselves from each other but work together to teach Mayitasuwa acceptance and compassion.
It’s her compassion for the much individuality of other people’s experiences that bring ease to them when meeting of her. Her non-judgment ascends her into accelerated growth. It is the direct contact with the eons of her dimensional realities that play together in one collaborative team. Coming together and building an empire of shared creativity is her teaching to herself in this lifetime. She has the courage and will power to confidently direct humanity. Mayitsuwa never stops or gives up. It is a force of greatness and victory that drives her. People listen to her because they know she has the uniqueness to birth original ideas. With her team of warriors she changes something that has a monumental affect on the world but never does she receive recognition. She is an encourager of being unique and her biological death occurs before she can truly see the massive changes her “ahead of the trend” self foresees for the planet throughout her entire lifetime.
Mietasuwa is her counterpart. He watches the death of his shared heart numerous of times throughout the pockets of light trying to shine through amongst the oblivious neurotic cycles on Earth. This is the lifetimes of learning how to forgive the immaturity of humanity inflicted on his most precise soul friend. He creates safety and protection for all those he loves. He builds a fortress for him and Mayitasuwa because he inspires for their creativity to be untouched by the takers. Back and forth they move in exchanging energies, knowledge. It is constant because Mayitasuwa’s growth never stops for a second. She is a rush of constant new energy he gets elevated from. He follows her until he starts to search for his own applied strength in the illusionary division. It is strange and not of this world to be in lifetimes without the physical companion to validate that his spiritual companion remains. He has lifetimes of being a caretaker to the densest of vibrations on Earth. He touches the hearts of the powerless and awakens them to take back their power.

The too far gone are the people they elevate. While Mayitasuwa is a leader to groups he is a listener to individuals and together they are defined as a POWERHOURSE, never stopping until they get exactly what they know to be the highest for themselves and others. Now it is the final lifetime before the beginning, a time when the sacred purity is fully actualized. They are always big energies because they are builders. They are adaptors. They are called to earth because they are able to take the angel’s guidance for humanity and have it translate in infinite ways so that it resonates with all regardless of vibrational resonance level. 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Atlantean Life

Atlantis is the city of water. Waterfalls can be heard from within the breezy white marble homes angled upward towards the heart of the city. The island is not natural but constructed by the imagination of mapmaker generations. On top of the upward ascending central point is a pyramid with underground crystal tunnels pumping different spectrums of light that run throughout the region. They would intersect inside the pyramid and the power of it is equivalent to a supernova. What contains this massive force is the pyramid itself. The energy naturally through the design of the pyramid would be forced upward spiraling as it did and a beam of light would strike the sky from the small opening.
Atlanteans have advanced irrigation systems. Four rings of flowing rivers surround the city. Electricity flows through the moving water but is a different form than what is known today. It is invisible light contained in microscopic crystals. Along the outer rings live rural beings and along the inner rings live suburban beings. Rivers flowing adjacent to the rings connect to the surrounding greenish blue ocean towards the inner most rings. The inner ring surrounds the ascending homes towards the crystal pyramid on top of the tall and rigid island mountain. They use a pumping system to purify all water carried from the ocean to civilization. Large crystals would block the sea water from entering into the designed rivers by absorbing the participles unsuitable for drinking water. The force of the pumped water provides an additional source of power for the city. Mainly, this power is used for the transportation of beings into other planes of reality beyond Earth’s plane.
Atlanteans are highly active explores. They enjoy using their body to express their creativity through dance, music, and building. They are known when discovered by outsiders for having large statues of strange looking beings not of Earth and before hieroglyphic writing written everywhere on everything. They are admired for their strangeness in appearance, style, and way of expressing themselves to seamen who accouter their hidden island. The gold disc ships they posses transport them not to the stars but to the other planes to learn different philosophies and interpretations of God, nirvana, and existence like traveling to another country to observe the unique culture there. This ability to cross dimensions makes the Atlanteans universal because of the great connection to realms outside of theirs. Their bodies transform over generations to be able to handle the diversity of different dimensions, with its different gravities and basic matrix laws.
Farming wasn’t hard work or required long hours of labor. The soil was constantly purified by thinner than paper sheets of crystal that would blanket the soil just below the surface. These blankets would be absorbed into the soil and inside the tiny particles of crystal would grow into spontaneous creations of fruits. Every season a different region would grow a foreign fruit, never tasted before, and when all were gone the same season a year later the field would grow another foreign fruit. There are journals of hundreds of thousands of different fruit grown on the small continent passed down from generation to generation. They disappeared with the sinking of Atlantis.
The wind can carry ships to the continent where the Himalayas lie. Hiking the mountain is a pilgrimage for the peaceful souls. The mountain itself is a portal to another plane of Earth, a future plane where a highly populated diverse humanity has built temples on top of it. The Atlanteans would cross into future planes of Earth and disguise their strange honey skin, long thick white hair due to aging over hundreds of years, and clear blue eyes. Atlanteans deeply admire certain ages on the planet and would observe as time keepers. They understand time and its nowness. They never try to interfere with the creations within those different time periods but observe in knowingness that life always moves on to new creations, no being will stay where they are at.
The sea turtle is their sacred animal. It is symbolic for progress, slow progress is better than fast, protection, and patience. These beings are very patient with themselves and each other. They never try to impose or force the energies to be what they want it to be. They simple wait for nature to naturally transform into their desire, knowing that all things change according to the will of visualization. They aren’t neurotic or distrustful like humanity today is in relation to manifestation because they have complete faith in the power of visualization. It isn’t a question if it will happen.
Surrounded by whales and dolphins, Atlantis is a migration spot for many species of whale and dolphin. Pink dolphins can be seen in the clear water lagoons off shore on a neighboring island. Atlantis is hidden by the ridge cliffs of many islands that turn the current away from Atlantis and towards another great sea.
Love is platonic and finding a mate happens in toddler years. Sex and romance is not what it is today. Beings do not seek marriage to fill a whole within their heart that is lack of support or family. Togetherness is based on creativity. Those souls brought together share the same creative vision. Atlanteans are encouraged to be inventors and families share the same soul vibrational level. All biological families were soul pods, sharing unique vibrations that are identical with slight variations.
The Age of Taurus marks the transition into the Bronze Age. The bull became a symbol for stamina, perseverance, and discipline. Ships from outside the region of numerous islands found the hidden current into the central sea where Atlantis lies in the middle of the calm surrounded by fierceness. Those new beings want to advance their minds and technology but Atlanteans understood that they are not mature enough to handle the truth. Over periods of times the new beings try to persuade them to teach their wisdom. Still the Atlanteans refuse because it isn’t their destiny to have what they seek. Generations pass and the new beings start to control Atlanteans to give them their support in advancing their minds. As the planet transitions more into the Bronze Age the new beings become more envious, jealous, angry, bitter, competitive, and restless.
Atlanteans destroy their own city to keep the technology away from the hands of those whose destiny isn’t to discover such things. A volcano miles away underwater erupts and the aftermath leads to Atlantis being underwater. This was the finally statement from the Atlanteans, “Only when humanity is one the true teachings will return to all.” Many Atlanteans left their scared island before the disaster and traveled to different regions around the world to spread the seed. It is the same seed that is awakening humanity in the 20th century. It is a seed of wisdom because Atlanteans above all have trust in one’s own wisdom. It is untainted, unspoiled, not persuaded, or saturated by external forces that wish to impose on what lies within but it is purified. They use their organic and most natural truths of oneness, compassion, and love to establish a community that respects and trusts each other. Trust is how they advance themselves.
Atlanteans are beings that represent each race of humanity and soon all of humanity will have ethnicity that contains all races. The intuitive beings before the end of their civilization decide to be guides to this time period because this age marks the end of envy, jealousy, anger, bitterness, competition, and restlessness and the beginning of a resurrection. They provide the 20th century with tools to keep up with the fast resurrection of ancient teachings of the mind.
Thousands of years have gone by of slow progress circling endlessly in sameness. Now the path is opening up and humanity sees a way out of repeating the same path. Atlanteans are the past versions of 20th century humanity and the future versions because they understand time and its nowness. Their civilization is gone but the time before that exists so they exist today.
Twin Flames are born from Atantis. Atlanteans are similar to Archangels, complete beings, both feminine and masculine. The first Twin Flames were biological twins. When the soul wished to experience looking at itself in the physical it split into male and female. By doing this it could spend a lifetime of looking at its own soul through looking into the eyes of another and appreciating the expression of the souls unique light.
Twin Flames decide to go off into different directions during the Bronze and Dark Ages to gain wisdom from the many regions of the planet. This is done so the Twin Flame soul can have a well rounded interpretation of Earth. Many souls accumulate junk, beliefs, ideas, thoughts, and energies that do nothing but keep the soul limited. Every soul who travels to Earth during the Bronze and Dark ages has a mission they must succeed to evolve, which is to choose bravery over fear. Very few choose bravery but those who do crack open a truth for all of humanity. A discovered truth is mastering how to channel the cosmic energy. What it does is it opens portals of light. It bridges the physical to the spiritual. This has helped Earth during the Bronze and Dark ages to move along. Each guru, teacher, and spiritualist has provided humanity with guidance on the purpose of those ages, to build souls strength.
Now Twin Flames are returning back to their most natural state, oneness, to share their well rounded wisdom with all. In order for this to occur Twin Flames must understand their soul’s echolocation. There is a regional echolocation based on culture, beliefs, customs, and ideologies and many communicate and interact with life through this. In order to hear the call of one’s soul family and Twin Flame they must known the unique sound of their soul. This is the underlining rhythmic vibration. When the soul’s echolocation is discovered the most creative vision is and that will return a soul to its Atlantean frequency before the split, unification, wholeness, and creative visualization. Beings unified within themselves are abundant in courage and creative expression because the basic idea of life for a soul is to express the soul. Unification of oneself requires much purification, deletion, and removal of accumulated junk in order to be liberated of envy, jealousy, anger, bitterness, and restlessness that have people’s pulses out of rhythmic intelligence.

Twin Flames become one to emerge all of time for the final transcendence of this plane into a new one.