Sunday, January 29, 2017

Twin Flame and Earth Plan

Twin Flames tell us the truth about our mistakes and how to redirect our energy. They guide us towards a new era of self exploration. When we feel lost it is the voice inside of us that reminds us of the plan. The plan of our soul’s mission follows the reunion of two bodies becoming one. There is much talk about love being a mistake and many believe it. Twin flames help the world to see with eyes that are wide open. Love is what we make of it. Love has no beginning or end. It continues on in the here and now. Deciding to hold our twin flame tight and surrender them at the same time gives us and them the permission to expand. Our path is our will and the will of the divine. This divine energy is our spirit guides, a higher power that can help us make the best decisions for us. Decision making is a concept that humans confuse with free will. Decisions are energy. What our energy stands for reflects in our decisions.
Moments on Earth are quick, much faster than what humans are aware of. Many ask why does my time with my twin flame feel so short. It’s because lifetimes parallel, side by side, are asked from Gaia at precise energies on Earth. These last five thousand years twin flames haven’t been asked by Gaia in the masses. Now that technology and clutter take up a lot of humans lives the powerful love of twin flames will redirect the energies that have gotten out of control. The energies are scattered and pessimism is very high.
Joy is a cupid with wings made of gold. The heaviness of pessimism and the restless thoughts make is difficult for minds to be at ease to hear the messages from the soul. Decisions. There are two kinds. A decision made from fear or pessimism and love and courage. Love is empowered and dreamy. Love is wise and knowing. Love sees that this life is about play and joy. It’s time laughter and silliness returns to Earth. Twin flames if you’re reading this know that you are meant to be reunited with your twin flame. Be patient and stay the course. You know the course because everything asks of you to be courageous and strong. It’s all unfolding beautifully if you’ll only give yourself the peace by stopping. Stop going and moving. Look at yourself for long moments. Stop and feel yourself for long moments because the unique you that you are today, right now, will pass by like a minute, a second, and when you sit and appreciate what is in front of you now than you will see life and death are the same thing. You are the sun and your parallel lifetimes are orbiting planets that assist you. You are the sun that influences the planets. You guide the planets, your lifetimes, past and future by being tapped in right now. Nature awakens your stillness. It has so much is wishes to share with you if you’ll only listen.
            Pessimistic hearts won’t find the twin flame because eyes are closed when a heart is such. Eyes wide open let it be known that everything that has came in and went are leading them towards the ultimate soul truth, love, family, synergy, collaboration, and harmony makes the soul smile, truly smile. The loudness of everything won’t matter to the twin flames because they will be at ease simply with being in each other’s arms. Once you truly meet your twin flame you will then understand how each moment requires your attention and appreciation because the love will be intense and it will feel like eternity but when the clock strikes an hour past you’ll realize an hour felt like a minute. To slow down the clock is to slow down your movements, to stare for longer seconds, to breathe in deeper your lovers smile, and embrace tighter and for longer moments your lover’s energy.
When the moments past you will have changed and so will have the other. Change is scary to humans and yet faith is born from change. Change only comes when humans can stop and patiently allow their body to naturally flow to where it knows it must be to for miracles to occur. If you’re doing your twin won’t be there. Your twin flame is in the slow motion of time when everything happens by chance, miracle. Love of family, soul family, will flock together once twin flames have come into union. Their children will be the birth of new stars, new energies that will split to form new pods of soul families. The wisdom of youth is growing strong. Many twin flames have yet to awaken to the truth of their being. Those who have pushed onward will see the light of day when their twin flame is standing there on the shore of a white sandy beach in a dream and in real life when everything they’ve felt for years all of a sudden makes sense in the seconds of seeing the eyes of the other. It terrifies them and yet makes them want to cry. These are fears that time, people, the world, will split them apart. These are tears of finally having found the person none matched up to. The world needs new leaders and twin flames that are coming into union now are the strongest. Those who decide not to come into union see future as an opportunity to try again but the future is influenced by the here and now so if the decision now is to stare away from the eyes that give love’s awakening then they could not possibly be movers and shakers. This is what the world needs. This is what Gaia has asked of the souls who decide to be brave and still.

Twin flames when they decide to be each others’ awakening they are on the path of onward progression. They move past subtle loves and lessons. If you want to meet in this lifetime spend your energy graduating lessons. Many slack and spend much energy still learning the fifth grade. And there are those who graduate so many levels of mastery in this short lifetime. It isn’t about the chase or the gain. It’s about being happy together and happy with where life is today, knowing that life will change always. It’s about play. Radicalism is over. Radicalism was a path for twin flames and many lessons of pain and sorrow had to be learned from those experiences but many moved onward knowing that the lifetime that is now would be the lifetime of no interference because they are determined now more than ever to tune out the noise of the world and focus on the heart of things. If you’re reading this or listening to this then no matter what age you are it’s your energy that brings you to your twin flame not a prayer, a wish, or a call. It’s you deciding that it’s most important to you, being happy, moving onward through and past lessons, and never quitting, and stopping to be still to fall in love with the Earth’s plan. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Peace Corps Essay

The planet is being rewired. The whole idea of having a job simply to make a pay check is evolving. People are waking up and realizing what they’ve been taught may not be the way forward anymore. It’s up to them to be still enough to see the new frontier waving them over into nothingness. This is the place where the mind meets infinite possibilities because no ideologies, religion, sex, race, age, nationality, sexuality, can get in the way of inspiration. People aren’t inspired because they fear what the new frontier may ask of them, “Let go. Take a risk. Quit your job. Leave your marriage. Move out of the country. Think new thoughts.”
Fear excites people. It tells them all the reasons why they should remain holding onto random somethingness, dogma, childhood, ideas, judgments, people, bad job,” You are safe here. Here is reliable. Here is practical. Here is SECURITY,” but here has nothing to do with any of those things. It’s the mind’s barrier that keeps people from breaking through the glass ceiling into total positive affirmations. Everyone stares at it as a reminder why they should stay in mediocracy because breaking glass is dangerous and can harm them. Those who break through bleed, but are inspired.
I listened to an interview by a scientist whose name I cannot remember. What stayed with me was his brilliant idea, “the next generation may not be Homo Sapien.” My most consistent question to myself is what is next for humanity. We have centuries of discouragement based on sex, race, age, nationality, and when I frequently play near a stream close to my house It’s obvious to me our minds are polluted by the pollution found there. According to Buddha our external world isn’t separate from us, it shows us what is going on within us.
Space exploration seems to be the next frontier but judging by the Gangs, river in India and the Mississippi, both deeply polluted, we would only bring our scattered presence to the stars. The conclusion I come to is the same Lao Tzu centuries ago did. What is next for humanity is compassion because then it doesn’t see everything separate from itself.
The Upanishads say that I will never know Brahman, the force that is in everything. Alan Watts would tell me to stop trying to understand the force. What is “It” we are searching for. Neil Degrass Tyson speaks that my eyes are connected to the greatest known force, the universe as does the Upanishads. The “It” I am searching for I will not understand and have stop trying to.

I seek to be an example to young minds that they don’t have to grow up to become an adult who loses its child like wonder and imagination. My greatest gift is to bring positive affirmations because even though the world is turning slowly out of dark times of discouragement people need a reminder that the “It” we are searching for is connection.