Majority of the relationships developing
are soul mate connections because there is still much to absorb and learn from
this strange experience called Age of Aquarius. We have just begun and are learning
to become master surfers. We must ride the waves of our soul with confidence
and focus rather than try to manipulate the waves to be what we want of them. We
have tools on how to keep up with the brutal advancements on the nervous system
from our many lives as warriors, teachers, Yogis, and Gurus. We know the
fundamental teaching–strength is required in everything we do. A surfer
understands what it takes to ride the wave of life. It requires stamina, perseverance,
focus, flexibility, physical and mental strength, trust, and most importantly–an
ability to get back up from a whip out.
We are climbing up a mountain side by
side with our soul mates. Some go and some stay but we never remain the same. The
reason most Twin Flames that are physically and continuously together are
middle age plus, with exceptions, is because like the concept middle age represents,
they’ve come to terms with the life they live, they are content with the person
they’ve become. Many individuals younger than middle age have dissatisfaction with
the person they are today. They feel they must reach a certain level within
their spirituality, emotional life, and physical manifestations to be excited
about the life they live.
We must face the honesty within. If we
are not balanced in our financial world, have spiritual grace or emotional stable we cannot pretend that we are content. We don’t criticize ourselves either. We
tell ourselves that we are willing to change our expectations on money, spirituality,
and emotional happiness. Then, we decide to whole heartily get our act
together, stop being a victim of our circumstances, stop blaming our childhood
for our adulthood troubles, stop procrastinating about moving, writing that
book, quitting a job, stop dating out of loneness, stop the pity party–woo is
me, and take responsibility for how far we’ve gotten off track from our souls truth–we
are powerful.
This is a moment to take back your
power. You created the life you live not your parents, childhood, jobs,
culture, and circumstances. A true surfer understands it’s them that either
succeeds or not. It isn’t the wave that keeps them from success. It’s their
lack of focus, practice, determination, and/or drive that prevents
them from riding the wave.
We must learn to stop being anal about having
things a certain way and live with what we got while devoting ourselves to
living the highest truth of our soul. The highest truth of your soul doesn’t
easily give into doubt, and anxiety–it is willing to overcome the many programs
of life to posse a mind unspoiled by the culture around. It is said doubt and anxiety
is the norm–well you are here to follow the norm of the soul and that speaks of
creativity, dance like no one’s watching, and childlike play. Life is lived
fully with a cheerful heart and life was designed to be deeply experienced not
somewhat experienced.
Many Twin Flames incarnated have much
they wish to let go of, especially those who are not physically together. Those
willing to let go and pursue one’s highest liberation come together but
remember the masculine and feminine must wrap up the egos “I” presence–meaning be
at peace with the life YOU always wanted to have for possibly lifetimes. This moment
you created and when you recognize that truth–YOU created this–you step on the
path of doing what is that you love. Twin Flames let go by being devoted to
doing what it is they love. It is the path of the soul because it requires to
most level of courage, faith, and self acceptance.
Twin Flame sets have lifetimes of dreams
they’ve wished to manifest in the physical and either they let go of many in
realization that those dreams aren’t In alignment with their highest soul’s
life experience or play them out in this lifetime. The aura will never be
cleared of creativity because all that energy is creating your past, present,
and future–parallel lives in a multitude of dimensions. If you have dreams of
being an astronaut but know in this life you aren’t destined to be one it is
happening in another dimension.
Each third dimensional life we have a
focus dream. Also, we are connected to the other selves that are pursuing an infinite
amount of other things all at once. If you’re lacking inspiration go within. It’s
guaranteed you’ll be met with another version of yourself on another planet
doing something quit abnormal compared to this world's grid system. You’ll get
your most brilliant ideas from the place where all of time meets; all the
infinite yous meet–in your heart.
This focus dream is our destiny in this
SINGLE third dimensional experience. It doesn’t have to be manifesting a career.
It can be a combination of lessons playing out such as patience,
self-acceptance, poverty consciousness, hoarding, forgiveness, etc. usually the
individual lessons reflect the collect lessons–One being courage. Humanity has failed
at mastering this for thousands of years judging by the lack of abundance in original
thought–now only showing up. Everyone is used to being followers–too cowardly
to stand up for themselves, therefore, too fearful to stand up for injustice, discrimination,
political corruption, or racial suppression. The few stood up and then soon
after many followed. We mastered courage the lifetimes we decided to say no to
the hate crimes.
Souls who lose their inner power work on
other lessons and the collective lesson in order to return back to their
most organic presence. Return to the organic heart is mastery of a
certain dimensional reality.
The New Age soul mate connection
reflects the humans upgrade in Self. Some have already come together with their
Twin Flame in a previous lifetime or higher realm and did the exchange of
knowledge. In order to exchange lifetimes of learned knowledge the data has to
be complete–mastered. No two Twin Flame sets are learning the same lessons like
no two surfers have the same technique in riding a wave. Mastery is learned
techniques that can advice a soul in the other dimensional realities. Kundalini
has taken numerous lifetimes to master an exercise and/or mantra technique.
Once mastered, its wisdom can be shared for the betterment of humanity.
Twin Flames cross paths throughout eons
to encourage, adjust each other back to the most organic frequency like a chiropractor
adjusts the spine back to its most organic posture, and get them to SEE what
really matters. In this third dimensional plane many get off track from what it
is they are truly meant to do because they are overwhelmed by the grid system.
They become fearful and stray from the fundamental truth–strength is required
in everything you do. People believe easy is safe but easy isn’t mastery–only discomfort
in growing while being happy with the awkwardness of change is the path.
Twin Flames physically together agreed
to be life path ten, which is being the embodiment of mastery. Some Twin Flames
have already ascended into the new cycle, fifth dimensional living. Most likely
they are experiencing both realities simultaneously–How better to know the
future of Earth than live in it while living here also.
Soul mates are adjusting you to the many
frequencies within you, either you haven’t explored, must heal, release, or need
to discover. Once you’ve TAKEN BACK YOUR POWER you understand you and your Twin
Flame are here to master your technique, exchange it with each other, share it,
make peace with what you’ve learned and ascend.
Ascension has no end. It’s a journey of
doing what you love.