Thursday, December 8, 2016

Mindful College Writing: Anthem by Ayn Rand

            Atlantis was said to be a highly advanced civilization with technology that went far beyond present day conceptualization. Everything that existed during that time is lost. Civilization broke and started over again. The world today with all its advancements in science, technology, and international communication is lost to those characters in the story Anthem. Ayn Rand’s message to humanity is clear in the Anthem, “…men with nothing to offer” (Rand 63) turns the world dull, all liveliness and sense of wonder vanish. Stepping into the psyche of Ayn Rand a person can conclude that freedom pushes humanity towards new birth. Sameness doesn’t evoke creativity. A society that refuses a person the privilege of excelling in one’s natural talent causes them to sacrifice their integrity to please others.
Anthem is written in first person with Prometheus as the narrator. The protagonist is change. Change guides the story forward and is played by Prometheus, a young man that awakens to a hidden truth that his uniqueness, in a world where all are told “we are nothing” (Rand 7), is his most honest integrity, “I understood why the best in me had been my sins and my transgression” (Rand 60). Prometheus realizes that his antagonist, fear, has been trying to suppress his most brilliant and original self, “…their bodies were shrinking and wished to shrink out of sight. And a word steals into our minds…fear” (Rand 23). Fear challenges change. The people have been programmed for hundreds of years to believe they are worthless, but change asks of them to embrace curiosity with inner exploration.
The uncharted forest is symbolic for stepping into the unknown. The novel The Giver by Louis Lowry has a forbidden land that the main character, Jonas, travels into to escape and save the people of their dull life. Stepping into unknown land alone shows that a character is a pioneer on a frontier about to experience significant change. “I shall cut into the stone the word [ego]…” (Rand 64), this image is symbolic for Prometheus stamp on history. The same can be seen for David by Michelangelo. This stone carved human figure, is Michelangelo stamp on history.
The setting takes place in a colonial American vibe, candle light, horse buggy, society. Prometheus travels to an underground dark tunnel where his discoveries take place, “… in our tunnel, we feel it no longer [fear]. The air is pure under the ground” (Rand 23), Prometheus views his world has stifling and his dark tunnel as refreshing. The setting in the end takes place in the uncharted forest where Prometheus discoveries a house that was built before the time of sameness. It becomes his headquarters for a rebellion against the sameness that keeps humanity dull. “…we heard suddenly that we were laughing” (Rand 46), Prometheus genuinely feels joy in the forest after realizing he can do whatever he wants. Instead of robotically wake up each morning to do his street sweeper job that was assigned to him by a Council that knows nothing of him.
The plot happens in chorological order. It is not lenient to extra information not needed to convey the main message and gets straight to the events that support the author’s message. The story jumps over long periods of time and focuses on specific events that are all turning points for Prometheus. This style of writing helps the reader stay focused and reminds them that the novel isn’t for exploring interesting characters and settings like reading a Harry Potter book by J.K. Rowling, but more as a pamphlet with precise messages that the author doesn’t want to get deluded by too much setting detail, back ground, and character building.

The primary theme Ayn Rand wants the reader to know is the enslavement of humanity always dulls the greater whole. “…neither god nor king nor other men can take away from him” (Rand 62), the desire for respect to follow one’s own pursuits has lead to numerous battles throughout centuries. Ayn Rand asks of humanity to respect each other’s difference and not seek to control another’s behavior due to fear of them making the wrong decision,”…and he stood on the threshold of the freedom for which the blood of the centuries behind him had been spilled” (Rand 62), the desire for a rebellion will always be in the heart of humanity as long as people feel entrapped by a society norm that prevents them from exploration. 

Works Cited
Rand, Ayn. Anthem. CA: Mockingbird Classics Publishing, 2015. Print. 

Mindful College Writing: Time is the True Unit of Measurement

“Literature helps us to remember what we’ve experienced”, is a quote said by Joshua Prager that sum up his March 2015 TED talk. Mr. Prager often writes about historical secrets. He wrote the classic children’s book of “Goodnight Moon.” He went to Colombia University where he studied music theory. Mr. Prager’s unique human experience should be made as an example that the world experiences make us brighter if we can see life as our school where we are destined to grow.
 Death and time are two concepts that we are too familiar with. It is enviable that we will die. Our experience on Earth is objectively short in comparison to the greatest known thing, the universe and the time that is outstretched unfathomable to us. To be wise with our aging body is to become enlightened by our experiences. Joshua is turning 44 years old and is seeking meaning to the aging experience. He is reflective on the many ages, conditions attached to those ages, and the experiences that are in response to changes of time. Time would not exist if the threshold of one condition entering into another condition was not apparent to us like the universe does not age forward or backward. It is in a state of infinity but since we cannot view ourselves in a state of infinity we bring down the complexity of the universe to make it comprehendible to the human mind. We come to the conclusion that the universe is expanding, becoming wiser and all things that are becoming wiser are associated with aging according the Alan Watts perceptive. We create science, math, writing so that we can understand the slightest bite of what is actually going on in the cosmos.
In order to become wiser is to capture our experiences like a photo of a butterfly, so that we can see details that we could not see without sitting still and viewing the photo with focus. We discover that the blues, purples, yellows, and the patterns in which they are organized on the butterfly’s wings become surreal like switching a dime bulb to a new brighter one, the room begins to open up. In writing we form new thoughts that did not exist prior to contemplating what we wish to write about. The new thoughts are an effect of our stillness as we reflect and try to find the best way to describe our minds eye so that the person reading it can see exactly what we see, more than that, the reader through aging time can see and feel beyond what we saw and felt.
Matter can be seen when infinitely is broken into fragments. In the movie “Lucy” the main character reveals the true until of measurement, time; “Film a car speeding down a road. Speed up the image infinitely and the car disappears. What proof do we have of its existence? Time gives legitimacy to its existence…[time] gives proof to the existence of matter” –Lucy. The human experience asks of humanity to become wiser. Nothing would make sense if one was not seeking to become wiser. Each passing year the mind has an opportunity to become wiser. Joshua Prager made it clear to me that age is a passing number, but how much the people allow themselves to live, experience, grow, change, evolve, become wiser is what time offers. 
Contemplating on a typical America day, waking up, going to work, coming home, feeding the kids, doing chores, to wake up and do it all over again has awakened me that Americans do not value their time. They speed through time hoping for a better time to come. Nothing has meaning if a person lives that way. Daily accomplishments should stamp that one has become wiser, but there are no daily time stamps, therefore, there is no significance to one’s day, but random moments a person hopes will lead to a greater moment.
“Life passes into pages if it passes into anything” (James Salter, Burning The Days), this quote shows Mr. Prager’s perspective on life and writing. A thought comes to mind while listening to Mr. Prager thoughts about this quote. Avatar by James Camron. The tree of souls, which to the indigenous people is one with everything. When a being connects with the tree they can download wisdom from the entire world and all that have lived and will live and input their own wisdom. Can this be used as a metaphor for what writing is, but an infinitely more complex idea of it? We have access to wisdom through memories, even if those memories are fiction or non-fiction through novels. James Camron takes the idea of wisdom human kind associates with reading into a spiritual divinity. Joshua Prager’s lecture transforms writing into more than just shared ideas but writing is a glimpse into the eternity that lives beyond the mundane thought. Writing has a spiritual core because It awakes readers to how interconnected lives of humans, plants, and other animals are. Each thing on Earth ages and affects the entire world.  

Mindful College Writing: Parallels between Pico's Divinity of Man, Hindu, and Buddhism

Buddhism, Upanishads, and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola share the insights of choosing peace over ambition, unity with humanity and heaven, having faith over fear, being open to change, either through receiving or giving, and recognizing the importance of all beings.

A Buddhist has no fear. The fear is the protagonist to humanities plot. Without it a person wouldn’t be considered human. No one can truly conceptualize a mind without fear because it is in every thought and attached to every conversation. There is fear from the daily introspective thought of “Am I on the right path?” and fear in expressing depth in a conversation. Fear dissipates when a Buddhist can whole heartedly embrace this moment now without expectations to what it offers or where it will lead. Whole hearted devotion to peace in the now sets a Buddhist free.
The Upanishads connect the heart, intellect, and spirit to a vast universe where everything meets back up into the ONE. “I shall join Brahman when I see beyond what is known and begin to connect with all,” (Upanishads) a person can sense the presence of the one when individualistic fear of not reaching one’s fullest potential is relieved. This happens when a revelation occurs that they are the trees, their neighbor, the fireman, the doctor, the lawyer, the teacher, the student, and none are more or less important.

“…man is…considered and called a great miracle and a being worthy of all admiration,” (Oration on the Dignity of Man) this optimistic perspective asks of humanity to be grateful to be alive. The soul of humanity has wonder and when it isn’t clouded by envy caused by the “…hierarchy of beings assigned to [man]…” it can serve humanity gracefully. Humanity can be looked up to be as angelic as angels and as maleficent as demons. Humanities devotion to balanced generosity sets them free. 

Mindful College Writing: Essence of Buddhism

The Buddha teaching is meant to carry man to peace, happiness, and ultimate bliss/Nirvana.
The core premise of Buddhism is to be enthusiastic, energetic, calm, and balanced throughout life regardless of hostilities that may be around, “…He is calm and serene and cannot be upset or dismayed by changes” (19). When a person has a strong sense of Self this leaves space for suffering because attachment to one owns identity causes pain when change occurs. A person can believe hardship is the universe being against them, but in truth the universe isn’t for or against anything, death and rebirth is a part of change that must occur. Like a plant grows, it is flexible to the environments because it knows that to reach its fullest potent is must adapt or die. Attachment to ideologies on how life should be for a person is the leading reason for deep pain because nothing is permanent. Nor should be because the Self that a person is today will not be tomorrow so there is no relevancy is attaching oneself to any ideology on Self.

. “…Consciousness depends on matter, sensation, perception, and mental formations and that it cannot exist with it…” (18), is a truth according to the Buddha yoga. The essence or soul of a person is only a combination of every-changing physical and mental forces that flow through and out of a person’s identity. A Buddhist accepts the conditions and environment in which they live in. Everything is empty ready to be filled up and then poured out again. It is important to not waste time on metaphysical pursuits. A person’s focus should be on being joyous in this life and not worrying about what is beyond this life. A Buddhist should not be concerned with ownership over things because a person is not here to own pleasures on Earth, but to co-create with Earth. Overall, the Buddhist religion accepts the world the way it knowing that everything changes and pursuing joy through simplicity and kindness. 

Mindful College Writing: Upanishads

According to the Upanishads humanity is one with all things, rivers, oceans, animals, plant life, the universe, and itself. Everything is connected by a common thread. Atoms, - helium, nitrogen, carbon, and hydrogen are found in all things, a tree that takes in carbon, fungus and humans that release carbon, a star that is a carbon ball, “Who sees all beings in his own Self, and his own Self in all beings, loses all fear” (ISA). There is no fear when a person is in synch with another because their thoughts are complimentary, hearts beating in unison. The unknown factor of another person’s intention causes fear, but being in synch with another is recognizing the importance of the other being on the right path because when one is not it affects all.  
 Brahman is the empty spaces in space and matter. “Brahman who is Truth, consciousness, and infinite joy…goes beyond the universe, and the light of the sun…” (TAITTIRIYA). Brahman is aligned with every heart and misaligned heart. Brahman is human and is not. One shall join Brahman when one sees beyond what is known and begins to connect with the threads that move alongside the visible threads, but cannot be seen. Brahman sees the same light that is in him/herself in a person, animal, and the universe, so much so, that he knows him/herself to be Everywhere. 

Mindful College Writing: "Wabi" in Shintoism Tea Ceremony

The Zen disciplines for focus. The Japanese tea ceremony incorporates the Zen element in each movement. The ceremony requires that the preparer of tea move with precision. Each movement is graceful and ritualistic. The feeling one gets while watching the tea ceremony is peace, calmness, and relaxation. The key values of the Japanese tea ceremony are harmony, respect, purity, and stillness. Its intention is to unify two warriors in a moment of peace together. In welcoming the quest, the preparer of tea creates a relaxing and calm atmosphere for the quest by having a clean, organized, and simple home, and by his/her tranquil hand movements in preparing tea. The Wabi is manifested in the Japanese tea ceremony in the simplicity of the tea room, in the slow and graceful hand movements, and in the organic material used for making the tea.

            Shintoism has one command and that is to be loyal to one’s ancestors. Those who worship Shintoism value all elements of nature. They connect with their ancestors through nature. Shintoism encourages people to be sincere, cheerful, and pure, and to live in harmony with the Spirit in all things. The Wabi is manifested in the Shintoism in its content with being connected with nature, having no ownership over the lands, and in its value in having a peaceful life.  

Mindful College Writing: Daoism

What was striking about the five chapters in Tao-Te-Chang was the concept of love and nurture, but do not force, “…he does not lay hold (so), and therefore does not lose his hold” (62). My own revelation on this concept came to me while watching an interview about the Rapper Future after reading this section. According to the Dao a person should work with what is in front of them rather than trying to control what isn’t. Success is ruined when trying to manipulate the conditions that aren’t present, “…if they were careful…they would not so ruin them” (62). For example, Future before he became a super star was told by his record label to go to the strip club and throw hundreds of thousands of dollars as a method in promoting his music and brand. If I wanted to become a professional artist it’s important to focus on what is in front of me. If I don’t have a record label I shouldn’t put my energy into visualizing the demands of having one. It’s important to not push a desire to be what we expect it to be because than we aren’t open or flexible to the uncontrollable forces of nature. We should be prepared like an empty cup is prepared for the unexpected liquid that will be poured into it. 

Mindful College Writing: The desert, Bedouin values, and Islam

Arabian culture before the Prophet Muhammed was the driving force for the Islamic faith. The Bedouins had to be tough to be able to handle the rough conditions of desert living. The desert prevented the Bedouins from creating towns or large communities. They were self-reliant because of the scarcity of food and water. Seasonal migration was the Arabs’ way of life. Kinship ties were very important for migration. These blood ties allowed for nomads to cross the territory of a different tribe without problems due to having a blood relative in that tribe. The Bedovins valued “Asabiyyah” and “Murua’a”, which later influenced The Qur’an.
The values of “Asabiyyah”: The Bedouins valued social solidarity because it was easier to survive being independent than the alternative which was to feed and provide water for a large migration group, which would raise the death rate due to starvation or dehydration. Unity and social cohesion brought peace among tribes because they all had a common goal that bound them together - survival. The focus on group consciousness influenced Muhammed’s mission to bring his followers in Mecca and Medina together. The Arabs needed unity because they need corporation from others for finding water and food.
The values of “Murua’a”: “do what must be done” encouraged Bedouins to be responsible for keeping one’s word and protect one’s tribe. Competition over resources was intense and a readiness to participate in organized warfare was common. Generously sharing water and/or food was one of the most important values. The Bedouins had to possess courage to face the harshness of desert living and raid tribes for the necessities for survival.

These values influenced The Qur’an, for example, the Islamic people were obligated to follow the teachings of The Qur’an which can be seen in early values of the obligation to pagan ritual. Divine mercy and compassion are themes in The Qur’an. This was influenced by the early Arabs values of being generous to each other. The Arabs understood the importance of being kind to each other for the longevity of the Arabian people. The deities the early Arabs worshiped influenced the deities that were later worshipped at Mecca and Medina. The Arabian culture before the Prophet influenced The Five Pillars. Generosity seen in The Five Pillars that Muhammad was greatly in support of was a crucial value for the early Arabian culture. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Resurrection of Lemuria

Resurrection of Lemuria
In ancient times, Lemurian people were the embodiment of the Yin, while The Lost City of Atlantis people were the embodiment of the Yang. Yin and Yang are the femininity and masculinity that together make an Archangel—a being that is not male or female—but, both sexes. The concept of both sexes being seen as one is not exclusive, for example, Plato stated, "…constituted by the union of the male and the female: but now only the word ‘androgynous’ is preserved…” (Plato 523). Femininity is compassion, gentleness, loving creativity, kind empowerment, and mystical imagination. Masculinity is assertiveness, determination, will power, and strength. It’s important to recognize that females and males both share traits of femininity and masculinity. The connection between the feminine Lemurian principles of empowerment through creativity in the modern world can be seen in the movies Interstellar, Another Earth, and the book Miracles Now by Gabrielle Bernstein.
An essential element to understanding the feminine Lemurian principle of empowerment through creativity is that Lemuria existed thousands of years ago in an era of spiritual enlightenment. Lemuria focused on compassion and love and was expressed through the arts. It is relevant to remember the lost knowledge of Lemuria because currently the world is undergoing a spiritual awakening. The Age of Enlightenment or The Golden Age is a resurrection of Lemuria. The Lemurian principle of empowerment through creativity will be expressed in greater amounts now than ever before because the world is transitioning from an era of violence, pollution, aggression, and accumulation of wealth to a time of compassion and love.
The 2014 movie Interstellar uses deep philosophical and imaginative theories to encourage others to open their mind to possibilities outside the mainstream. For example, “Not you and me, People. A civilization that has evolved past the fourth dimensions we know”, is a quote from Interstellar that communicates the ideas that there are future versions of people that exist in a reality beyond their comprehension level.
 … Every movement is infinity complex. They have access to infinite time and space but they aren’t bound by anything. They can’t find a particular place in time that they can communicate. That’s why I’m here.   I’m going to find a way to tell Murphy… How Copper…Love…my connection to Murphy is quantifiable. It’s the key (Interstellar).
This theory of love being the measurable energy that can transcend dimensions and realities that humans know can be seen in the Lemurian’s understanding of dimensions and how peace through relaxing in creativity is the key to accessing those dimensions beyond the physical plane.
The theory of a connection shared by two or more and how it can transport one person to meet the other in a different dimension follows the Lemurian teaching of love being the cord that can cross dimensions. Therefore, according to this theory, space and time that is perceived as a limitation to current day science is not a limitation. Love is how a person accesses another dimension. This theory than communicates that science is only relevant to this dimension. The unknown energy of a connection can move to areas beyond what science can. Love is a compass that a person floating in an endless void can use to create a map. It’s like sending out a signal into space. There needs to be a point of destination for the signal to be received. Even if a person does not know the destination, love guides the beam that is streaming through space, pin pointing it to a being that person shares love with, bridging one world to another. The main character realizes that the alien beings that were guiding him were future versions of the present day people, for example, “There not beings there us” (Nolan). This theory showcases that there are future versions of people that are connecting with the present day people providing the current day individuals with information on how to best help the planet evolve. All of these theories in the movie Interstellar showcase the feminine Lemurian principle of empowerment through creativity by its way of challenging viewers to contemplate life more thoroughly.
The 2011 movie Another Earth shows Rhoda [main character] experiencing a voyage that follows the feminine Lemurian teaching of self-healing after killing a man’s family in a car accident while under the influence. “Let me tell you a story; it’s about a girl. She does something unforgiveable. She goes to apologize, but she loses her nerve. She lies to him. She thinks she might be able to make his life a little bit better. It was really just a way to survive what I have done” (Cahill), this quote communicates that The Golden Age is about healing past wounds that eat away at a person’s tense heart. Rhoda’s voyage back to self-love was intense because she had to learn to accept the things she’s done. Her journey relates to the feminine Lemurian principle of empowerment through creativity because empowerment is about death and rebirth. For Rhoda to be reborn again she must let go of the self-hatred she’s let consume her and challenge herself to reprogram her self-hatred to self-love. Self-hatred must die for self-love to be reborn. Forgiveness is another theme in the movie that is seen in the Lemurian culture. To be empowered is to be uplifted from the illusions that a person is not worthy of forgiveness.
Gabrielle Bernstein uses feminine Lemurian empowerment through creativity to help transform the planet. She writes in her book that light workers are guides sent to the planet to help others step away from judgments towards themselves and others, fear that leads to victim mentality, and being closed off to new perspectives. She seeks to encourage others to embrace peace by being compassionate and loving towards themselves and others, For example, “There is a massive call for more light workers… when the masses begin to vibrate with an energy of love, the world will no longer be a container for war, violence, and lies” (Bernstein). Gabrielle Bernstein provides a futuristic prediction of the world if people continue down the path of seeing themselves as separate from others. Segregating oneself from others creates competition, feelings of being alone due to isolation, and an unwillingness to share ideas outside a person’s group.
Gabrielle Bernstein recognizes that self-hatred is seen when people try to put others down by making them feel unworthy or discouraging them, which in turn leads to arguments between individuals or groups of people over one’s own self-worth. For example, “…when we function from a fearful, low-level energetic state, our thoughts and energy can literally pollute the world” (Bernstein). A final piece of Gabrielle Bernstein’s work that corresponds with the Lemuria teachings is that positivity is the only way to empower others to love themselves and others, for example, “…now is our time to rise up and bring more positivity to the world” (Bernstein).
The resurrection of Lemuria can reestablish a world of harmony and a community of peace. A spiritual awakening that is in response to the resurrection of Lemuria is a revelation that there is something out there beyond what the physical senses can perceive. This revelation leads to internal chaos because everything that was once said to be real no longer is valid. The world around a person undergoing a spiritual awakening pulsates in and out of two realities. These two realities are the reality of the real world and the reality of the world that transcends the real world.
Based on theories that are circling in the community of creative minds, Indigo Children, Crystal Children, and Rainbow Children will become the founding fathers of the return of The Age of Enlightenment or The Golden Age (Virtue). The Golden Age is in response to the voyage a person takes while remembering Lemuria. These gifted children will be born with a deep remembrance of Lemuria and will integrate Lemuria into the world. These children are not yet born in the masses, so the adults are holding the space for their arrival by empowering others to remember Lemuria. By doing this, they are encouraging others to be wiser and to make love a priority. The movies Interstellar, Another Earth, and the book Miracles Now by Gabrielle Bernstein give proof that Lemuria is returning.
Works Cited
Another Earth. Dir. Mike Cahill. Perf. Brit Marling, William Mapother. 2011. Twentieth Century Fox, 2011. Film.
Bernstein, Gabrielle. Miracles Now. Australia: Hay House, 2014. Print
Interstellar. Dir. Christopher Nolan. Perf. Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain. 2014. Warner Bros Pictures, 2014. Film.
Plato. Collected Works of Plato: Including the Republic, the Symposium, and Many Famous Passages. Ed. Benjamin Jowett. 6th ed. New York: Greystone Press, 1930. Print.
Virtue, Doreen. "Indigo, Crystal And Rainbow Children." Doreen Virtue | Official Angel Therapy Web Site. Angel Therapy, 2 Oct. 2014. Web. 27 Apr. 2016. <>.

Awakening the Inner Orca in Everyone

Awakening the Inner Orca in Everyone
“The decision to end SeaWorld’s iconic killer whale shows and stop breeding the animal follows years of controversy over the company’s practices” (Worland). The integrity of SeaWorld is in question for having given false information to the mass media about various accidents and deaths at SeaWorld. Recently, decline in attendance has led to an “11% decline in shares in 2015” (Cathaleen Chen Staff). SeaWorld is a billion dollar corporation with the façade that its mission it to educate, rescue, and rehabilitate. Unfortunately, no funds go towards building a coastal sea reserve for the rehabilitation of marine mammals in their parks. Rehabilitation is the future for SeaWorld once it can put aside its money accumulating capitalist priority. The Blackfish documentary caused people to question the humanity of life in captivity for orcas, created an awareness of the orca’s empathy/spiritual nature, and decreased interest in theatrical orca shows.
People wonder if life in captivity is humane. SeaWorld continues to present the illusion that orcas live longer in captivity than in the wild. Previously oblivious people are now forced to look at the facts of orcas well-being in captivity because of the mass media attention. People are beginning to recognize that orcas are intelligent and possibly have a heightened capacity for compassion humans may not possess. According to a neurologist presented in the film Blackfish killer whales have a part of the brain humans do not that is connected to emotional sensitivity. John Hargrove, an ex-trainer at SeaWorld and now an activist for orca well-being, in many interviews has spoken about orca inbreeding and mother orcas rejecting their calves because of this. Unnatural grouping of the animals has taken place since the beginning of the theatrical orca shows. This has led to aggression and tension because of the differences in orca culture. Scientists presented in the film Blackfish have analyzed orcas in the wild and have found that each pod has a unique language, social interaction, and identity, as a culture. Image a group of devoted Christians and atheists are forced to live in the same household for their entire lives. There would be tension because of the culture differences. Aggression turned into violence has been seen in history between religious groups all too well.
People now see orcas as empathic and with a spiritual nature. John Hargrove at a conference in Seattle, WA USA speaks of a story that provides behavioral insight on Orcas capacity for compassion. When he became injured while performing a trick with an orca improperly, he was unable to swim out of the tank. The orca recognized his injury immediately while eco-locating around his body. The orca concerned for his well-being performed a trick like moreover, that was not taught to the orca, to get him out of the water to safety. The grace and gentleness the orca showed him proves to John that orcas are compassionate. Protesters with PETA interrupted the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade in 2014 by holding signs that said “SeaWorld Hurts Orcas.” Harry Styles, a band member of “One Direction” in four words caused a massive drop in sales at SeaWorld when he said “Don’t go to SeaWorld” at a concert. Activism shown by groups of people is the greatest example of how people now see orcas as deserving happiness because they have a spiritual nature similar to humans that value love, family, and support. For example, Orca children never leave their mother's side for their entire lives, which is a similar characteristics of human nature.
People are no longer interested in theatrical orca shows. Protection Act of 1972 states the condition of being able to keep the orca theatrical shows in the parks is it must be used for educational purposes. SeaWorld has been using education as a cover-up for the shows to make profit. “Since the 1985 birth of Baby Shamu, the first orca born in SeaWorld Park, 30 have been raised completely in the parks. SeaWorld announced that it would replace its signature Shamu shows in San Diego with an exhibit focused on conservation” (Cathaleen Chen Staff), is an example of the turning of events led by much pressure placed on SeaWorld to change. Humane Society of the United States is requiring SeaWorld change its policies, for example, Wayne Pacelle (President/ CEO of The Humane Society of the United States) states his concerns in the following, “We haven’t viewed it as appropriate to capture the animal from the wild or to breed them in captivity and then have them do these theatrical shows. We are really concerned that in that sort of environment it’s just not stimulating enough.” Another example of the changes occurring within people discussed by spokesmen for the general public, “It’s clear where public opinion is… The writing is on the wall, and it’s time for them to stop fighting and evolve.” In the following is from a recently published SeaWorld commercial “The world has changed. SeaWorld has changed too. This will be the last generation of orcas at SeaWorld. No more breeding. SeaWorld has heard you” (SeaWorld).
The results of public outcry for change led to, “The California coastal Commission has banned the breeding of orcas in SeaWorld, as a condition on the approval of $100 million expansion of the tanks to house the marine mammals in SeaWorld’s San Diego facility…The commission attached several other conditions to the approval of SeaWorld’s Blue World expansion in San Diego, including one that no new whale from the wild will be kept there” (John).
SeaWorld says that the company wishes to focus more on rescue operations. John Hargrove believes that it’s inhumane to take a whale out of its natural habit just so humans can better understand the animal. It can be seen similar to taking a child with a unique disorder from his/her family and placing the child in a facility so scientists can study the child. That would be considered inhumane. SeaWorld has no intention to spend its money on building rehabilitation centers for their marine mammals. They continue to make profit off of the exploitation of marine mammals. “…so that the thousands of stranded marine mammals like dolphins and sea lions that cannot be released back  the wild will have a place to go” (Born to be Free Foundation), is SeaWorld stating that it does not wish to stop making money off of the animals. Rehabilitation is the answer to health and well-being of the orcas, but SeaWorld resists.
It is apparent that the general public yearns for orcas to live free, as it is evidenced by reactions to SeaWorld after the 2013 release of Blackfish. Not only are people questioning marine mammals in captivity but all animals, “SeaWorld’s pledge comes exactly a year after the circus company the Ringling Barnum and Bailey Circus promised to phase out its elephant acts by 2018, citing a “mood shift among customers” (Cathaleen Chen Staff). Changes are happening because people are not letting propaganda to distract them from the truth. People are investigating the truth for themselves and are leaning more towards rehabilitation rather than expansion of SeaWorld tanks,
“Following a campaign in 2010, spearheaded by the Born Free foundation and a local network of concerned individuals known as the Dolphin Angels, Tom and Misha were rescued and re-homed to a specially constructed sea-pen, in partnership with Turkish HGO, S.A.D., where they underwent an extensive programme of rehabilitation prior to their release on 9th May 2012” (Born to be Free Foundation), to be free is the best medication for orcas.
Works Cited
Blackfish. Dir. Gabriela Cowperthwaite. Perf. John Hargrove. Dogwoof. 2013. DVD.
Born to be Free Foundation. “Back to the Blue - Captive Dolphins return to the Wild.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 2 Jun. 2015. 1 Apr. 2016.
Cathaleen Chen Staff. “In double win for activists, SeaWorld ends orca breeding, boosts animal rescues.” Christian Science Monitor. 17 Mar. 2016. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 Apr. 2016.
John, Tara. “California Bans Captive Breeding of Killer Whales at SeaWorld.” Time. 9 Oct. 2016. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 Apr. 2016.
Olivia Lowenberg Staff. “Why SeaWorld is suing California to keep breeding orcas.” Christian Science Monitor. 17 Oct. 2015.  Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 Apr. 2016.
SeaWorld. “WATCH: This SeaWorld announcement may surprise you…” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 17 Mar. 2016. Web. 1 Apr. 2016.
SpaceCoastDaily. “SeaWorld CEO, Humane Society CEO Talk About End of Orca Breeding.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 17, Mar. 2016. Web. 1 Apr. 2016.
Ventre, Jeffrey. John Hargrove Beneath the surface Book Event in Seattle.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 1 Apr. 2015. Web. 1, Apr. 2016.
Worland, Justin. “SeaWorld to End Orca Breeding Amid Company Makeover.” Time. 17 Mar. 2016.  Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 Apr. 2016.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Past Life Memory

Rosa Ivy's Past Lives

Regions I frequently incarnate in.

Virginia, USA
Perth, Australia
New Zealand 
Indonesia (I've incarnated here a lot)

Leo Frank

Hawaiian Princess Kaiulani


Collaborating with Gaia is how we deepen our magical abilities. Right now I am mastering the magical ability of telepathy with all things so I can access information instantly about myself. By doing this I can become a powerful magician.

Arcturian Light Language

The Soul Journey of Rosa Ivy

Remembering who we are takes sitting still and trusting our inner knowing. Automatic writing can help us to uncover the mysterious of our soul.

Lemurian composer, painter, and philosopher
Egyptian princess. Adviser to my brother (The Pharaoh)
Italian composer, story teller -male
German composer (pianist) –male
Russian painter (landscape and portrait) –male
Cuban painter of Native culture –female
Mexican painter of Mayan culture -female
Italian cellist –female
Central American mediator to Natives and Colonists
English story teller writer (fairy tales) –male
In a French revolution (apart of a underground society wanting to overthrow the king in seek of a new government) –female
English poet that moved to America (poetry on the brutality Native Americans faced during the colonization of Northern America) –male
Farmer in Indonesia (Agriculture) –female
Writer during the Mexican revolution when the USA took Mexican territory now known as California
Hawaiian princess when Hawaii was being added to USA states
Lawyer during the Leo Frank case
Lawyer during black suppression in USA –rich white male-
In most of my lifetimes I’ve been either a composer or a part of an orchestra, story teller writer, philosopher, or artist.

I most frequently incarnate during transitional periods on Earth.
I’ve been an observer of changes. I use creativity to express my philosophical ideas that are always ahead of its time, but help with the transition into the new age.

I’ve been a twin in most lifetimes. When I am a female I have a twin brother who is my protector.

Monday, April 4, 2016

A Day Of Celebration - Twin Flames Are Here To Stay

On this day, two years ago, Maya and Zyaire met for the first time. April 4th is a day of celebration because Twin Flames are coming together in the physical. The return of Lemuria, Atlantis, and the birth of The Golden Age is here for us all if we are willing to embrace the light inside of us.  Twin Flames are here to pave the way for the future hybrid children that are waiting beyond the veil for us to be ready for their innovated ideas to take our planet by storm. A shift is taking place in everyone’s conscious thoughts. This shift is an idea, a vision, a dream of a world that transcends the ego and reminds each person of a time long before this current age where everyone lived a life of love, compassion, and grace. That day is coming. Souls that don’t wish to take part in The Golden Age will not stay, but travel to another planet where they can continue to dance around with the ego, but those people who wish to return to the Native American life of simplicity will be among the first to step into The Golden Age. 

Celebrating The Life Of Lyra Astar

In the past two years I've learned so much about my many lifetimes on Earth, my multiple dimensional selves, my soul family, my mission, the angelic and starseed aspects of my soul, who my spirit guides are, my creative gifts, deepened my connection to God, and how beautiful and sacred my pure soul is.

I've reunited with myself. I've always known who I am, but the depth I know now is truly amazing. I've had many friends come and go. Each friend helped me to discover how angelic my presence is. I am the embodiment of compassion and innocence. I am here to shine bright and encourage others to connect with their true nature that lives inside their heart.

I've discovered how expansive my soul really is and how powerful my creative life force is. Above all things I am a kindred spirit, a joyous/silly/goofy/optimistic/carefree child who sees life as a playground, where anything is possible.

With love,
Robyn Lewis
Rosa Ivy
Lyra Astar

Soul Family Is Forever

“Soon I’ll be 60 years old. Will I think the world’s cold or will I have a lot of children who can warm me” (Lukas Graham – 7 Years).
Many of us are still seeking glory. There is nothing wrong with seeking glory, but most of us are desperately hoping that attainments will calm our restless heart. Many people in this world are impatient and deeply in desire of “something”, “anything”. That “something” “anything”, is change, but unfortunately that desire for change can’t be found through attainments such as success, recognition, fame, etc. A lot of times people achieve the glory they’ve been desperately asking for, but those feelings of joy never seem to last.
What we can keep with us forever is family. We’ve had family since the beginning of time on Earth. Before we had glory we had family. Native Americans were content and lived a life of joy. Why is it that we have all these advancements and yet as a society we’ve seemed happiest when we had a very basic and simple life, like when we were Native Americans? We didn’t live long back then, but we lived a 20 to 35 years of ease. It’s time to simply our life. Now is our time to take back our power and stop attaching our happiness to attainments. We can’t take our attainments with us when we decide to travel and incarnate, for example, in the Pleiadian star system, but what we can take with us is our soul family and the love that we share with them.

After we die and are brought to the Angels we have a life review. The Angels ask us a question. Did we live a life of love? They won’t ask us how much we’ve managed to attain. Now is the time to reverse our psychology. We’ve been conditioned to believe attainments will lead to happiness. The truth is soul family is what will ease our heart forever. Attainments are a quick fix while soul family is eternity. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Fifth Dimension

I would love to share my essay that won a scholarship for a study aboard trip to Segovia, Spain that I will be going on this summer.

The Fifth Dimension

            I am not the average 20 year old girl that you will soon come to believe while reading this. I am looked upon as odd to my family but yet revolutionary to those individuals that seek to explore the possibility of life being more than what our senses and perceptions can comprehend. I have a YouTube channel called Earthangelrosa, currently with 2,322 subscribers from all over the world. I post video discussions on topics of philosophy and metaphysics, but I am mainly recognized for my discussions on twin flame theory. I am an entrepreneur with clients that come to me when they seek to cultivate a deeper level of understanding about the world around them and their reasons for being incarnated on Earth. My services provide channeled messages of enlightenment that help activate my clients to reconnect with their soul.
            I would be the best candidate to receive a full scholarship to Spain because the absorption of Spanish culture will help me to expand my philosophical ideas on life, love, and our purpose for being here. A passion of mine is to one day do funded research on children that show traits of heightened levels of empathy in countries around the world and what makes these children different from their peers. Another reason this is beneficial is because I do inspire to become a fluent Spanish speaker because I seek to travel to a Central American country to teach English and screenplay writing. I’ve taken Spanish courses since I was a sophomore in high school and find it very difficult to speak Spanish because with my unique dyslexia I need to be placed in an environment where I’m forced to speak Spanish in order to learn.
I hope to continue my travels to other countries to collect even more perspectives, traditions, and cultural beliefs because I inspire to become a screenplay writer. I seek to create films on advanced concepts and theories such as reincarnation, dimensions, highly evolved beings, twin flames, Indigo Children, past lives, Akashic records; all topics the majority doesn’t pay much attention to, but in my opinion has the influence to help others reach a more evolved state of consciousness.
With the movies I will write and eventually direct, I hope will encourage a newfound way of viewing what life is and our place in it that can empower the younger generation to want to share their “far out there” ideas with the world. This empowerment can help societies move beyond their beliefs and become more accepting of ideas that challenge their way of life.
“Not you and me, People. A civilization that has evolved past the fourth dimensions we know”, is a quote from Interstellar that expresses the ideas that there are future versions of us that exist in a reality beyond our comprehension level.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Lao -Tzu and the New Age

Lao-Tzu & the New Age

The phrase the “new age” when analyzing the work of Mike Cahill and other creative and philosophical minds — is a term used to describe a world that uses self-love, healing, forgiveness, and peace to live a life of true happiness. Machiavelli, a 16 century Italian philosopher, discusses how in order for a society to function well, a leader should be more of a pessimist rather than optimist, for example, “Since men are a sorry lot and will not keep their promises to you, you likewise need not keep yours to them” (230), this quote from Machiavelli suggests how having faith doesn’t lead to happiness, but betray, being deceived, lies, and the fall of the kingdom. Faith that a person’s happiness is ensured to happen because it’s destiny for one to be happy requires optimism while lack of faith that life is about justice, trust, and kindness requires a more pessimistic perceptive. Lao-tzu (sixth century B. C. E.) from China discusses how a society functions better when people are optimistic, for example, “Nothing is impossible for him because he has let go” (43.2) is a quote from Lao-tzu that shows how the world will always take care of itself and that all a person needs to do is embrace the changes that the world has to offer and recognize that there is a divine plan that will always lead mankind towards its desired outcome, even if a society cannot fully conceptualize that desired outcome. Current creative and philosophical minds follow the path of Lao-tzu rather than Machiavelli.
In the movie I Origins, that was written and directed by Mike Cahill, there is a scene where the lead character Ian seeks to buy cigarettes and a lottery ticket. The cashier tells him that the price comes to $11.11. Ian looks inside his wallet and finds exactly 11 dollars and looks inside his back pocket and finds exactly 11 cents. He finds this peculiar. Then while he stands outside the store experiencing a phenomenon many would call déjà vu, he looks down at his lottery ticket and notices that the time of purchase is 11:11pm. He then looks up at a clock that is inside the store but facing the outside and sees 11:11pm. A bus than pulls up next to him. He spontaneously decides to ride it. While on the bus, Ian looks around curious as if he is experiencing some kind of altered state of consciousness almost like he is sleep walking through this entire experience. A dog barks as if commanding for him to get off. Ian responds to the dog’s command and right as does, he see a Devonne advertisement billboard of a pair of eyes that are the exact pair of eyes he took photos of when at a Halloween party of a young women he fell instantly in love with. He’s been trying to find this mysterious young woman ever since that night when she walked away without giving him any information for him to contact her. This is what many new age thinkers would call the phenomenon of synchronicity. A synchronicity to many new age thinkers is a sign given from God, or a higher power that when followed leads a person to their ultimate life purpose and/or lover. 

            Another movie co-written and directed by Mike Cahill is Another Earth. This movie showcases the journey back to self-love, forgiving one’s self, and of deep healing. Lao-Tzu’s philosophy is about peace and letting things happen the way they should. Lao-Tzu very much believes in destiny because he sees life as fluid movement guiding people to their happiness almost by accident because it isn’t planned or manipulated by a person, but happens as if it is a part of a bigger divine plan that a person cannot see, but exists beyond their reality. This ties in directly with the phenomenon of synchronicity because a synchronicity is unplanned, uncontrolled, and happens as a sign reminding a person that their life is going as it should and that all is already working out for the better, even if things don’t appear in their reality to be working out for the greater good. The movie I Origins and Another Earth both express peace through finding one’s self and finding love. They both show how life carries a person like a floating leaf is being carried by a stream.

“Let go of fixed plans and concepts, and the world will govern itself” (211), is a quote from Lao-Tzu that clearly states how there is an unseen force that guides each and every person towards its desired life. The movie I Origins clearly shows how Ian and Sofi [twin flames] will always find their way back to each other regardless if they are trying to control it to happen or have let it go. It is their souls’ desire to be together so the unseen force will make it happen without their needing to control it to happen. “If it is meant to happen it will happen”, is not my quote, but a quote many people say when they wish to let go of the anxiety of trying to control everything in their life. 

            The movie Another Earth follows the quote of “there is no greater misfortune than having an enemy” (Lao-Tzu 31.3). The main character, Rhoda, kills a man’s pregnant wife and little boy while driving under the influence. Years later after getting out of jail, Rhoda feels guided to find the man and apologize to him for her wrong doing. Instead of letting him know that she was his wife, unborn child, and child’s killer, she deceives him. Rhoda becomes his house cleaner so she can get close to him. The man who lost his family has become very lonely, lost, and sad, but starts to find comfort in Rhoda’s presence. Through their making love, without him knowing that Rhoda was the actual driver, who killed his wife, unborn child, and child, heals each other’s broken hearts. They part ways when she eventually tells him her purpose in being his friend, which is to try and make his life better in whatever way she can; For example, “Let me tell you a story, it’s about a girl. She does something unforgiveable. She goes to apologize but she loses her nerve. She lies to him. She thinks she might be able to make his life a little bit better. It was really just a way to survive what I have done” (Another Earth). 
The enemy was not the man whose life she ruined, but the enemy was herself for what she did to him. That hatred towards herself caused her suffering and caused her to turn away from her peace because she felt she didn’t deserve to have peace. She began to love herself and forgive herself when she became his friend. Lao-Tzu’s philosophy is distantly about being content with one’s life. The best way to be content according to him is to have “simplicity, patience, and compassion” (Lao-Tzu 57.2), which is all things Rhoda experiences on her journey back to self-love, forgiveness for herself, and deep healing.

According to Doreen Virtue the new age is about society moving away from Machiavelli’s philosophy of hoarding money, greed, distrusting others, competition over money and territory, violence, and living more in “simplicity, patience compassion” (Lao-Tzu 57.2). For example, in an interview Doreen Virtue says that: “The new energy is about manifestation and corporation: the more that we learn manifestation the more peace we will all bring to Earth. We will stop making meaningless objects that we spend money on because we feel empty inside”,
This state’s how the society in which Machiavelli describes in his philosophy cannot provide true happiness. Doreen Virtue believes the new age is about letting go of the need to accumulated wealth

Analyzing the American capitalist current society from a sociologist’s perspective, a person can see that there is a lot of competition and accumulation of wealth taking place. Machiavelli in his philosophy shows a society where a prince accumulates much wealth in order to spend it on potential war to ensure that he doesn’t need to raise taxes on his subjects during war time. Doreen Virtue’s idea on letting go of the need to accumulate wealth follows the teaching of Lao-tzu, for example, “The teachings of Lao-Tzu are the opposite of the materialist quest for power, dominance, authority, and wealth” (Lao-Tzu 204).

Edger Cayce, an American mystic, during the early 1900’s was a well known channeler and made many predictions on future events. One of his channeled messages has to do with life being a healing journey for everyone. He believed life to be about self-love and connecting with one’s soul. This follows the path of Lao-tzu because in his philosophy he believes that life is about discovering one’s self through self-reflection. For example, “It constantly urges us to look beyond ourselves” (203), this quote from Lao-Tzu expresses that a person’s true nature is to become wiser each and every day and not about having a superficial life.

Many current philosophers such as Jim Carrey have speeches on how a person can become more enlightened. For example, “your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world”, is a quote from Jim Carrey that is about not letting fear of being different keep a person from believing in themselves and that those that are perceived as different, odd, and/or other worldly are the enlightenment ones that will be paving the way for the “new age”. The word Tao that is associated with Lao-Tzu is “The way to enlightenment” (Lao-Tzu 203). The correlation between Jim Carrey’s speech and Lao-Tzu is quote suggests how many people today are leaning more towards enlightenment rather than Machiavelli’s philosophy of fear and distrusting others.

A few final examples of how many current creative and philosophical minds are leaning more towards Lao-tzu teachings rather than Machiavelli’s philosophy are: “Let go and flow instead of trying to control everything and expecting things to go as you wish them to, when you relax and let go a little then you will find things begin to flow in the right way and at the right time, with freedom comes movement to expand and grow”, written by Wendy Murphy on February 19, 2016 on her facebook page, and In a Will Smith interview he says, “Being realistic is the commonly used road to mediocrity…What is the point in being realistic?” Both examples are philosophical minds expressing that life is infinite and it is a person’s destiny to create a life that is magical. Magic is about receiving opportunities that appear to arrive unexpectedly, uncontrolled, spontaneously, but are not unplanned in a higher perspective, but orchestrated by a hidden force many would call God, or a higher power. “Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world” (Lao-Tzu 57.9), this quote compared to Murphy and Smith’s statements clearly shows how the current society wants to embody more compassion and peace through letting go and believing that life is magical. Those things that a person wishes for is possible as long as those things are centered in the Tao, which can be translated to centered in the heart and not in the ego. The ego being a term associated with Machiavelli’s teaching of fear, distrust, greed, and deception.

Works Cited
Another Earth, Dir. Mike Cahill. Perf. Brit Marling and William Mapother. Twentieth Century Fox, 2011. Film.
Danasosa78. “Why would you be Realistic? Nothing is unrealistic.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 13 Sept. 2010. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.
I Origins. Dir. Mike Cahill. Perf. Brit Marling, Michael Pitt, and Astrid Berges-Frisbey. Twentieth Century Fox, 2014. Film.
Jacobus, Lee A., ed. A World of ideas: Essential Readings for College Writers. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s 2013. Print.
Maharishi University of Management. “Full Speech: Jim Carrey’s Commencement Address at the 2014 MNM Curaouation (En, Fr, Es).” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 30 May. 2014. Web. 26 Feb. 2016.
New Earth TV. “Interview- Doreen Virtue.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 29 Apr. 2011. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.