Walking down a city alley way surrounded
by tall buildings of brick and stone I discover an arching 6 foot tall window to
the right of me. This window manifest its self in the corner of my eye right as
I’m about to pass it. When I look at it I get this feeling like it’s been there
the whole time. The window looks to be thin as paper and shimmering as if sun rays are beaming through it. The shadows of the alley way should make the
window dark but the window leaves an out stretched shadow up to the opposite
wall of yellow sunlight. Seconds prior to that it looked dull and a pat color
of transparent white.
Within the window I see an alley way like
looking through a kaleidoscope. I have to squint to see it. The window seems to
erase the cement that should be on the other side and opens up like a tunnel
with circular walls made of rotating colors of a clockwise spinning universe. When
I touch the window, moving my hand side to side similar to reading Braille it
reminds me of when I touched an ice sculpture. It is smooth and slippery where
the skin of my hand sticks to it, leaving redness behind when I pull away from
the ice as the ice tugs at my skin. The window when felt I realize it is deeply
buried in the wall
Dizzy because of the rotating colors the
only stable image seems to be the alley way. I see movement of passing people. I
try to focus on the image despite being distracted by all the colors moving. The
walls are not of brick and stone, but of amethyst crystal, different patches of
purple over lapping each other creating an organic looking structure. There is pulsating
twinkling starlight on the walls, light going in and out.
I hear the name Noah being whispered in
my ear. I turn to see if someone is standing next to me. There is no one. The
name is called out again. I look deeper into the image, but cannot see anything
clearly because of the distance. Then all of a sudden I see a small figure of a
person standing at the end of the tunnel facing me, but I can’t make out any features.
The figure is growing in size faster and faster. I realize the figure of a man
is sprinting towards me. I stand memorized by this magical experience thinking it’s
just some kind of new age street art that has moving images and colors. Then the
next thing I know I’m on my back with some Italian, slicked back haired man on
top of me.