Sunday, June 27, 2021

Short Essay for Describing the Extraordinary Woman


By Rosa Ivy

Short Essay about Immense Grace (Guru Jagat Woman’s Program)

            The Great Awakening is creativity because creativity is the most powerful and alchemical energy of transformation. Humanity is facing threshold of the past and future. We can continue the samsara of the past or enter the threshold like stepping into a blue fire of metamorphize and become something else. The cocoon is intense. A caterpillar is crushed. Its little body is broken down, torn apart, collapsed into liquid for the formless liquid to reshape itself into something else. It isn’t easy, but caterpillar doesn’t resist. It surrenders to its Great Awakening. We humans aren’t caterpillars. We have fear. We resist. Much crisis is buildup of change wanting to happen but denied too many times. I suppose crisis lets us die to reach the other side.

            My grandfather, a black man with giant deep soulful eyes was a Blues singer known as Sangman in the hills of Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. He turned his sorrow into moonjazz. We all offer moonjazz when we sing our children to sleep, join in celebration at night or let our soul glow among the stars. Moonjazz is a sublime and mysterious force that moves us beyond our form into formless place where we are free from attachments and ideas forced upon us by conditions of fate. Moonjazz is our freedom, visionary quest and mystic space where we listen to an inner voice. The elements join in libation pulling us inward for consciousness to reach us from the deep Earth.

Women are the barriers of moonjazz, carrying liquid of starlight across vast distances to nourish the thirsty, enlighten the way and electrify the spirit. This subtle whisper of wind through water inside fire in the soil of Earth is felt when women join as one source of water, African American, Caucasian, Asian, Hispanic become homogeneous, blending all elements into homeostasis. Women become a gold temple inviting in those awaiting at the door, ready to receive moonjazz. The open come inside and receive a voice of reason. The sound drowns the body in liquid like a water sack and turns flesh into creative spark of clear channel to freedom’s origin.

Immensity of grace is heard in resilient, relentless and ruthless death of the self for something else to be. The world of samara and nature of sublime join in moonjazz guiding the wanderers to the mind like a frequency in the forest drawling us away. Finding those greater frequencies in the mind is like finding a wild rose growing in the cracks of city cement. There is a glimpse into a journey worth taking. We discover immense grace like the ocean spitting out trash, forest burning its disease or rain clearing dirty air. Renunciation becoming wholeness then infuses samsara and sublime into soulful gesture of moonjazz to revive the senses and breach the waters for us to clearly see the journey worth taking.

Saturday, May 15, 2021


Positive Changes Happen When Humans Meditate

By Rosa Ivy

Meditation is evolutionary necessity to human wellbeing in the technology age. Growing mental illness and mental disease is demanding people take care of the mind. For example, my great aunt, seventy years old is developing mental illness in 2020-2021 covid 19 pandemic because of isolation, immense pressure and lack of mental support. Before pandemic her mind was sharp, clear and focused. Another example, my great grandmother had mental disease, alzheimer. Mental issues in families are becoming common. Humanity is moving towards meditation in search of better health.

The mind is mysterious and expansive. In the east, the mind is consciousness with spiritual nature. In the west, the mind is neurological with a dynamic range of complexity. More and more people are looking to the mind for happiness. For example, people are curious about Law of Attraction, psychology, therapy and living a more peaceful life within. Crisis everywhere is encouraging humanity to evolve the mind and breakthrough mental habits that cause destructive behaviors, illness and disharmony. Humanity is evolving rapidly with technology. For example, living in California being able to contact someone instantly in Japan is a huge indication of advancements not only in technology but in human capability. Positive change happens when humans meditate.

Thoughts and feelings affect biology. For example, humans are made of mostly water. Molecules in water tune themselves to vibrations in thoughts and emotions. According to Dr. Masuru Emoto, water molecules can be rhythmic, which express themselves as clean and clear patterns and arrhythmic, which express themselves as unclear and distorted. Buddhists have two thousand plus years of mind study. Buddhists believe the mind shapes reality. In the west, people believe reality shapes the mind. If mind shapes reality, then social disharmony is a product of mental habits. For example, racial prejudice is a product of fixed mental beliefs.

Nikola Tesla, creator of fluorescent lights used in near all hospitals and schools in the west and alternate current, which is used in passing electricity, had a unique relationship with his mind. For example, a quote from Nikola Tesla expressing the potential of the human mind, “I also made corrections by visualization on most of my inventions, and finish them that way, visualization I mentally solve complex mathematical equations. For that gift, I will receive rank high Lama in Tibet.” Nikola Tesla also believed the spirit can cure most diseases. Nikola Tesla brought logic and spirituality into one mind.

In the west, the mind is in separation. For example, left hemisphere is logic and right hemisphere is creative. Hemispheres of brain have been divided between logic and creativity. However, Waldorf method brings logic and creativity together. For example, math is creative learning using color, shape and patterns. Another example of Tesla’s unique understanding of the mind, “The knowledge of how the mental and vital energy transform into what we want, and achieve and control over all feelings. Hindus call it Kundalini Yoga,” reveals the understanding of how the mind directs not just logic or creative energy but higher intelligence, which is cohesion between logic and creative.” Another quote from Nikola Tesla, “…I created a thoughtful and spiritual machine,” express his usage of the mind, serving him well. His understanding of the mind combines spirituality such as Yoga, positive affirmation and creativity with intelligence, meditation being the key to unlocking the full capacity of the mind. According to Nikola Tesla the mind goes beyond neurology. There is a spiritual component. This is called physiological image, which combines mental habits, neurological wiring and spiritual movement through the electromagnetic field of the heart, connecting to body.

According to Drunvalo Melchizedek, author of The Flower of Life and Gaia TV series “The Flower of Life,” says human body is made of sacred geometry. He believes the body and mind can tune to higher intelligence with physiological changes. His theory can be experimented with biophoton emission because biophoton emission measure light, color and shapes around human’s body. According to Yogic science, human physiology radiates light or pure energy. A human can enhance radiance around body with meditative practices, for example, Qigong. Qigong was studied to measure biophoton emission around human body. After Qigong was performed by a person biophoton emission was much higher than before person performed Qigong. Biophoton emission represent the glow of vitality, strong energy and physiological health. Low biophoton emission can signify low vitality, low energy and unhealthy physiology, which can influence poor quality of mind and body. Biophoton emission reveal the effects meditative awareness has energy of body and mind.

According to neurology, there are different waves in the mind that dictate different states of consciousness, survival, creativity and good sleep. These waves create an overall stable mind. Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Deta are waves that make up awareness, alertness, contemplation, resting and dreaming. When these waves are refined through meditation, a person has overall a more stable mind. Yogic science uses varies meditations to develop the different waves in the brain for more insightful sleep, greater concentration and sharpness of mind. For example, Tersula Kriya is a tantric meditation used to clear heaviness in the subconscious mind. Why clear subconscious mind? Subconscious mind is responsible for unconscious deep mental habits like racism. Why are some people born with innate racism? It is subconscious normalcy to be this way according to strong mental habits. However, strong mental habits can be broken. Collectivity, humans are breaking generations of mental habit of racism by challenging the habit with a stronger habit of equality, kindness and compassion. Meditation accesses those deep layers of unconscious habits and modifies ideas, concept and beliefs for new insight.

Humanity is discovering power of meditation. Meditation is a tool for human progress, human health and human capability. For example, resonance experiment reveals different frequencies refined in meditation effect the overall state of mind. Resonance experiment uses different hertz to witness geometric patterns that form in response. More arrhythmic hertz create unclear and distorted patterns that are not symmetrical. More rhythmic hertz create very symmetrical and sophisticated geometric patterns. Resonance experiment provides evidence to Drunvalo Melchizedek theory of human beings are made of sacred geometry. There is light, color, shape and patterns human create naturally in the brain and in the energy around the human body.

Uncovering the mystery and expansion of the human mind is never ending. This essay cannot possibly capture the fantastic wonder the mind offers. Human process, human health and human capability is an ongoing practice of meditation. Meditation adjusts vibrations, frequencies and waves in the brain, creating a more rhythmic physiological image. Being more rhythmic, fine-tuned and harmonic allows human being to access natural higher intelligence for creativity, problem solving and personal insight.

Human beings with an accessible mind can have a more meaningful and helpful experience of reality. Humans are capable of greatness, according to Carl Sagan. Humans need the tools for without tools humans are fools, according to Yogi Bhajan. Humans have infinite imagination, according to Albert Einstein. Humans are wise beyond measure, according to Leonardo Da Vince. These extraordinary minds give way to meditation, a state of wholeness, where everything comes together in higher intelligence. Intuitive meets logic, alertness meets deep sleep and sacred geometry of the body and mind showcase a spherical nature to time and space. Da Vince body unveils metaphysics to a spiritual yet very logical understanding of the mind. The mind is the brain but is also the energy comprised of vibration, frequency, light, color, shape, pattern, both seen and unseen. Human beings’ ability to direct that mysterious and expansive flow is the key to human breakthrough in personal and collective experience of reality. Meditation is that key.